Source code for pysimm.system

# ******************************************************************************
# pysimm.system module
# ******************************************************************************
# ******************************************************************************
# License
# ******************************************************************************
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2016 Michael E. Fortunato
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import re
import sys
import json
from xml.etree import ElementTree as Et
from random import random
from io import StringIO
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from itertools import permutations
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, pi, acos, floor, ceil

    from subprocess import call
except ImportError:
[docs] call = None
try: import numpy as np except ImportError:
[docs] np = None
try: import pandas as pd except ImportError:
[docs] pd = None
from pysimm import calc from pysimm import error_print from pysimm import warning_print from pysimm import verbose_print from pysimm import debug_print from pysimm import PysimmError from pysimm.calc import rotate_vector from pysimm.utils import PysimmError, Item, ItemContainer
[docs]class Particle(Item): """pysimm.system.Particle Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: x: x coordinate y: y coordinate z: z coordinate charge: partial charge type: :class:`~ParticleType` object reference """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def coords(self): return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
[docs] def check(self, style='full'): if style == 'full': if self.x is None: error_print('particle %s has no x coordinate' % self.tag) return False if self.y is None: return False if self.z is None: return False if self.charge is None: return False if self.type is None or not self.type.check(): return False return True else: error_print('style %s not supported yet' % style) return False
[docs] def delete_bonding(self, s): """pysimm.system.Particle.delete_bonding Iterates through s.bonds, s.angles, s.dihedrals, and s.impropers and removes those which contain this :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle`. Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object from which bonding objects will be removed Returns: None """ if self.bonds: for b in self.bonds: if b in s.bonds: s.bonds.remove(b.tag) else: for b in s.bonds: if self is b.a or self is b.b: s.bonds.remove(b.tag) if self.angles: for a in self.angles: if a in s.angles: s.angles.remove(a.tag) else: for a in s.angles: if self is a.a or self is a.b or self is a.c: s.angles.remove(a.tag) if self.dihedrals: for d in self.dihedrals: if d in s.dihedrals: s.dihedrals.remove(d.tag) else: for d in s.dihedrals: if self is d.a or self is d.b or self is d.c or self is d.d: s.dihedrals.remove(d.tag) if self.impropers: for i in self.impropers: if i in s.impropers: s.impropers.remove(i.tag) else: for i in s.impropers: if self is i.a or self is i.b or self is i.c or self is i.d: s.impropers.remove(i.tag)
[docs] def translate(self, dx, dy, dz): """pysimm.system.Particle.translate Shifts Particle position by dx, dy, dz. Args: dx: distance to shift in x direction dy: distance to shift in y direction dz: distance to shift in z direction Returns: None """ self.x += dx self.y += dy self.z += dz
[docs] def __sub__(self, other): """pysimm.system.Particle.__sub__ Implements subtraction between :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects to calculate distance. Args: other: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object Returns: distance calculated by :func:`~pysimm.calc.distance`. This does not consider pbc """ if isinstance(other, Particle): return calc.distance(self, other) else: return None
[docs] def __rsub__(self, other): self.__sub__(other)
[docs]class ParticleType(Item): """pysimm.system.ParticleType Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: sigma: LJ sigma value (Angstrom) epsilon: LJ epsilon value (kcal/mol) elem: element abbreviation, i.e. 'H' for Hydrogen, 'Cl' for Chlorine name: force field particle type name """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def form(self, style='lj_12-6', d_range=None): """pysimm.system.ParticleType.form Returns data to plot functional form for the potential energy with the given style. Args: style: string for pair style of ParticleType (lj_12-6, lj_9-6, buck) Returns: x, y for plotting functional form (energy vs distance) """ if not d_range: d_range = np.linspace(0.1, 8, 79) if style == 'lj_12-6': e = np.array([calc.LJ_12_6(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'lj_9-6': e = np.array([calc.LJ_9_6(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style.startswith('buck'): e = np.array([calc.buckingham(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e
[docs] def guess_style(cls, nparam): if nparam == 2: return 'lj' elif nparam == 3: return 'buck' elif nparam == 4: return 'charmm' else: raise PysimmError('Cannot guess pair style')
[docs] def parse_lammps(cls, line, style): tmp = line.split('#') data = tmp.pop(0).strip().split() name = ','.join(re.split(',|\s+', tmp[0].strip())) if tmp else None if style == 'mass': if len(data) != 2: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for mass info') return cls(tag=int(data[0]), name=name, mass=float(data[1])) elif style.startswith('lj') or style.startswith('class2'): if len(data) != 3: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for LJ style') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, epsilon=float(data[1]), sigma=float(data[2]) ) elif style.startswith('charmm'): if len(data) == 3: return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, epsilon=float(data[1]), sigma=float(data[2]), epsilon_14=float(data[1]), sigma_14=float(data[2]) ) elif len(data) == 5: return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, epsilon=float(data[1]), sigma=float(data[2]), epsilon_14=float(data[3]), sigma_14=float(data[4]) ) else: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for charmm style') elif style.startswith('buck'): if len(data) != 4: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for buckingham style') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, a=float(data[1]), rho=float(data[2]), c=float(data[3]) ) else: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS pair style {} not supported yet'.format(style))
[docs] def write_lammps(self, style='lj'): """pysimm.system.ParticleType.write_lammps Formats a string to define particle type coefficients for a LAMMPS data file given the provided style. Args: style: string for pair style of ParticleType (lj, class2, mass, buck) Returns: LAMMPS formatted string with pair coefficients """ if style.startswith('lj/charmm'): eps14 = self.epsilon_14 if 'epsilon_14' in self.__dict__.keys() else '' sgm14 = self.sigma_14 if 'sigma_14' in self.__dict__.keys() else '' return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.epsilon, self.sigma, eps14, sgm14, ) elif style.startswith('lj'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.epsilon, self.sigma, ) elif style.startswith('class2'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.epsilon, self.sigma, ) elif style.startswith('mass'): return '{:4}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.mass, ) elif style.startswith('buck'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.a, self.rho, self.c, ) else: raise PysimmError('cannot understand pair style {}'.format(style))
[docs]class Bond(Item): """pysimm.system.Bond Bond between particle a and b a--b Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in bond b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in bond type: BondType object reference """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_other_particle(self, p): if p is not self.a and p is not self.b: return None else: return self.a if p is self.b else self.b
[docs] def distance(self): """pysimm.system.Bond.distance Calculates distance between :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` a and :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` b in this Bond object. Sets distance to dist attribute of self. Does not consider pbc. Args: None Returns: Distance between Particle a and Particle b (not considering pbc) """ if isinstance(self.a, Particle) and isinstance(self.b, Particle): self.dist = calc.distance(self.a, self.b) return self.dist else: return None
[docs]class BondType(Item): """pysimm.system.BondType Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: k: harmonic bond force constant (kcal/mol/A^2) r0: bond equilibrium distance (Angstrom) name: force field bond type name """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) @classmethod
[docs] def guess_style(cls, nparam): if nparam == 2: return 'harmonic' elif nparam == 4: return 'class2' else: raise PysimmError('Cannot guess bond style')
[docs] def parse_lammps(cls, line, style): tmp = line.split('#') data = tmp.pop(0).strip().split() name = ','.join(re.split(',|\s+', tmp[0].strip())) if tmp else None if style.startswith('harm'): if len(data) != 3: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for harmonic bond') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), r0=float(data[2]) ) elif style.startswith('class2'): if len(data) != 5: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for class2 bond') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, r0=float(data[1]), k2=float(data[2]), k3=float(data[3]), k4=float(data[4]) ) else: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS bond style {} not supported yet'.format(style))
[docs] def write_lammps(self, style='harmonic'): """pysimm.system.BondType.write_lammps Formats a string to define bond type coefficients for a LAMMPS data file given the provided style. Args: style: string for pair style of BondType (harmonic, class2) Returns: LAMMPS formatted string with bond coefficients """ if style.startswith('harm'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.r0, ) elif style.startswith('class2'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.r0, self.k2, self.k3, self.k4, ) else: raise PysimmError('cannot understand pair style {}'.format(style))
[docs] def form(self, style='harmonic', d_range=None): """pysimm.system.BondType.form Returns data to plot functional form for the potential energy with the given style. Args: style: string for pair style of BondType (harmonic, class2) Returns: x, y for plotting functional form (energy vs distance) """ if not d_range: d_range = np.linspace(self.r0-0.5, self.r0+0.5, 100) if style == 'harmonic': e = np.array([calc.harmonic_bond(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'class2': e = np.array([calc.class2_bond(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e
[docs]class Angle(Item): """pysimm.system.Angle Angle between particles a, b, and c a--b--c Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in angle b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in angle (middle particle) c: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in angle type: AngleType object reference """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def angle(self, radians=False): """pysimm.system.Angle.angle Calculate angle. Args: radians: True to return value in radians (default: False) Returns: Angle between Particle a, b, and c """ self.theta = calc.angle(self.a, self.b, self.c, radians) return self.theta
[docs]class AngleType(Item): """pysimm.system.AngleType Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: k: harmonic angle bend force constant (kcal/mol/radian^2) theta0: angle equilibrium value (degrees) name: force field angle type name """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) @classmethod
[docs] def guess_style(cls, nparam): if nparam == 2: return 'harmonic' elif nparam == 4: return 'class2' else: raise PysimmError('Cannot guess angle style')
[docs] def parse_lammps(cls, line, style): tmp = line.split('#') data = tmp.pop(0).strip().split() name = ','.join(re.split(',|\s+', tmp[0].strip())) if tmp else None if style.startswith('harm'): if len(data) != 3: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for harmonic angle') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), theta0=float(data[2]) ) elif style.startswith('class2'): if len(data) != 5: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for class2 angle') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, theta0=float(data[1]), k2=float(data[2]), k3=float(data[3]), k4=float(data[4]) ) elif style.startswith('charmm'): if len(data) != 5: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for harmonic angle') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), theta0=float(data[2]), k_ub=float(data[3]), r_ub=float(data[4]) ) else: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS angle style {} not supported yet'.format(style))
[docs] def write_lammps(self, style='harmonic', cross_term=None): """pysimm.system.AngleType.write_lammps Formats a string to define angle type coefficients for a LAMMPS data file given the provided style. Args: style: string for pair style of AngleType (harmonic, class2, charmm) cross_term: type of class2 cross term to write (default=None) - BondBond - BondAngle Returns: LAMMPS formatted string with angle coefficients """ if style.startswith('harm'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.theta0, ) elif style.startswith('class2'): if not cross_term: return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.theta0, self.k2, self.k3, self.k4, ) elif cross_term == 'BondBond': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.m, self.r1, self.r2, ) elif cross_term == 'BondAngle': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.n1, self.n2, self.r1, self.r2, ) elif style.startswith('charmm'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.theta0, self.k_ub, self.r_ub, ) else: raise PysimmError('cannot understand pair style {}'.format(style))
[docs] def form(self, style='harmonic', d_range=None): """pysimm.system.AngleType.form Returns data to plot functional form for the potential energy with the given style. Args: style: string for pair style of AngleType (harmonic, class2, charmm) Returns: x, y for plotting functional form (energy vs angle) """ if not d_range: d_range = np.linspace(self.theta0-1, self.theta0+1, 100) if style == 'harmonic': e = np.array([calc.harmonic_angle(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'charmm': e = np.array([calc.harmonic_angle(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'class2': e = np.array([calc.class2_angle(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e
[docs]class Dihedral(Item): """pysimm.system.Dihedral Dihedral between particles a, b, c, and d a--b--c--d Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in dihedral b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in dihedral (middle particle) c: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in dihedral (middle particle) d: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in dihedral type: :class:`~pysimm.system.DihedralType` object reference """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs]class DihedralType(Item): """pysimm.system.DihedralType Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: k: dihedral energy barrier (kcal/mol) d: minimum (+1 or -1) n: multiplicity (integer >= 0) name: force field dihedral type name """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) @classmethod
[docs] def guess_style(cls, nparam): if nparam == 3: return 'harmonic' elif nparam % 3 == 1: return 'fourier' elif nparam == 6: return 'class2' else: raise PysimmError('Cannot guess dihedral style')
[docs] def parse_lammps(cls, line, style): tmp = line.split('#') data = tmp.pop(0).strip().split() name = ','.join(re.split(',|\s+', tmp[0].strip())) if tmp else None if style.startswith('harm'): if len(data) != 4: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for harmonic dihedral') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), d=int(data[2]), n=int(data[3]) ) elif style.startswith('fourier'): if len(data) % 3 != 2: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for fourier dihedral') tag = int(data.pop(0)) m = int(data.pop(0)) k = [] n = [] d = [] for i in range(m): k.append(data.pop(0)) n.append(data.pop(0)) d.append(data.pop(0)) return cls( tag=tag, name=name, m=m, k=list(map(float, k)), n=list(map(int, n)), d=list(map(float, d)) ) elif style.startswith('class2'): if len(data) != 7: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for class2 dihedral') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k1=float(data[1]), phi1=float(data[2]), k2=float(data[3]), phi2=float(data[4]), k3=float(data[5]), phi3=float(data[6]), ) elif style.startswith('charmm'): if len(data) != 5: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for charmm dihedral') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), n=float(data[2]), d=float(data[3]), w=float(data[4]) ) elif style.startswith('opls'): if len(data) != 5: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for opls dihedral') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k1=float(data[1]), k2=float(data[2]), k3=float(data[3]), k4=float(data[4]) ) else: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS dihedral style {} not supported yet'.format(style))
[docs] def write_lammps(self, style='harmonic', cross_term=None): """pysimm.system.DihedralType.write_lammps Formats a string to define dihedral type coefficients for a LAMMPS data file given the provided style. Args: style: string for pair style of DihedralType (harmonic, class2, fourier) cross_term: type of class2 cross term to write (default=None) - MiddleBond - EndBond - Angle - AngleAngle - BondBond13 Returns: LAMMPS formatted string with dihedral coefficients """ if style.startswith('harm'): return '{:4}\t{:f}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, int(self.d), int(self.n), ) elif style.startswith('charmm'): return '{:4}\t{:f}\t{:d}\t{:d}\t{:f}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, int(self.n), int(self.d), self.w, ) elif style.startswith('opls'): return '{:4}\t{:f}\t{:f}\t{:f}\t{:f}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k1, self.k2, self.k3, self.k4, ) elif style.startswith('fourier'): st = '{:4}\t{:d}'.format(self.tag, self.m) for k, n, d in zip(self.k, self.n, self.d): st += '\t{}\t{:d}\t{}'.format(k, int(n), d) st += '\t# {}\n'.format( return st elif style.startswith('class2'): if not cross_term: return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k1, self.phi1, self.k2, self.phi2, self.k3, self.phi3, ) elif cross_term == 'MiddleBond': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.a1, self.a2, self.a3, self.r2, ) elif cross_term == 'EndBond': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.b1, self.b2, self.b3, self.c1, self.c2, self.c3, self.r1, self.r3, ) elif cross_term == 'Angle': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.d1, self.d2, self.d3, self.e1, self.e2, self.e3, self.theta1, self.theta2, ) elif cross_term == 'AngleAngle': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.m, self.theta1, self.theta2, ) elif cross_term == 'BondBond13': if self.n is None: self.n = 0.0 return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.n, self.r1, self.r3, ) else: raise PysimmError('cannot understand pair style {}'.format(style))
[docs] def form(self, style='harmonic', d_range=None): """pysimm.system.DihedralType.form Returns data to plot functional form for the potential energy with the given style. Args: style: string for pair style of DihedralType (harmonic, class2, fourier) Returns: x, y for plotting functional form (energy vs angle) """ if not d_range: d_range = np.linspace(-180, 180, 100) if style == 'harmonic': e = np.array([calc.harmonic_dihedral(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'fourier': e = np.array([calc.fourier_dihedral(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'class2': e = np.array([calc.class2_dihedral(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'opls': e = np.array([calc.opls_dihedral(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e
[docs]class Improper(Item): """pysimm.system.Improper Improper dihedral around particle a, bonded to b, c, and d | b | | | a--d | | | c Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in improper (middle particle) b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in improper c: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in improper d: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in improper type: :class:`~pysimm.system.ImproperType` object reference """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs)
[docs]class ImproperType(Item): """pysimm.system.ImproperType Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: k: improper energy barrier (kcal/mol) x0: equilibrium value (degrees) name: force field improper type name """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): Item.__init__(self, **kwargs) if self.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) @classmethod
[docs] def guess_style(cls, nparam): if nparam == 2: return 'harmonic' if nparam == 3: return 'cvff' else: raise PysimmError('Cannot guess improper style')
[docs] def parse_lammps(cls, line, style): tmp = line.split('#') data = tmp.pop(0).strip().split() name = ','.join(re.split(',|\s+', tmp[0].strip())) if tmp else None if style.startswith('harm') or style.startswith('class2') or style.startswith('umbrella'): if len(data) != 3: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for harmonic improper') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), x0=float(data[2]) ) elif style.startswith('cvff'): if len(data) != 4: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS data improperly formatted for harmonic improper') return cls( tag=int(data[0]), name=name, k=float(data[1]), d=int(data[2]), n=int(data[3]) ) else: raise PysimmError('LAMMPS improper style {} not supported yet'.format(style))
[docs] def write_lammps(self, style='harmonic', cross_term=None): """pysimm.system.ImproperType.write_lammps Formats a string to define improper type coefficients for a LAMMPS data file given the provided style. Args: style: string for pair style of ImproperType (harmonic, class2, cvff) cross_term: type of class2 cross term to write (default=None) - AngleAngle Returns: LAMMPS formatted string with dihedral coefficients """ if style.startswith('harmonic'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.x0, ) elif style.startswith('umbrella'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.x0, ) elif style.startswith('cvff'): return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.d, self.n, ) elif style.startswith('class2'): if self.k is None: self.k = 0.0 if self.x0 is None: self.x0 = 0.0 if not cross_term: return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.k, self.x0, ) elif cross_term == 'AngleAngle': return '{:4}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t# {}\n'.format( self.tag, self.m1, self.m2, self.m3, self.theta1, self.theta2, self.theta3, ) else: raise PysimmError('cannot understand pair style {}'.format(style))
[docs] def form(self, style='harmonic', d_range=None): """pysimm.system.ImproperType.form Returns data to plot functional form for the potential energy with the given style. Args: style: string for pair style of ImproperType (harmonic, cvff) Returns: x, y for plotting functional form (energy vs angle) """ if not d_range: d_range = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100) if style == 'harmonic': e = np.array([calc.harmonic_improper(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'cvff': e = np.array([calc.cvff_improper(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e elif style == 'umbrella': e = np.array([calc.umbrella_improper(self, d) for d in d_range]) return d_range, e
[docs]class Dimension(Item): """pysimm.system.Dimension Objects inheriting from :class:`~pysimm.utils.Item` can contain arbitrary data. Keyword arguments are assigned as attributes. Attributes usually used are given below. Attributes: xlo: minimum value in x dimension xhi: maximum value in x dimension ylo: minimum value in y dimension yhi: maximum value in y dimension zlo: minimum value in z dimension zhi: maximum value in z dimension dx: distance in x dimension dy: distance in y dimension dz: distance in z dimension """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): center = kwargs.get('center') Item.__init__(self, **kwargs) if center: self.translate(*center) del
[docs] def check(self): if self.dx is not None and self.dy is not None and is not None: return True else: return False
[docs] def size(self): return (self.dx, self.dy,
[docs] def translate(self, x, y, z): """pysimm.system.Dimension.translate Shifts box bounds by x, y, z. Args: x: distance to shift box bounds in x direction y: distance to shift box bounds in y direction z: distance to shift box bounds in z direction Returns: None """ self.xlo += x self.xhi += x self.ylo += y self.yhi += y self.zlo += z self.zhi += z
[docs] def dx(self): if self.xhi is None or self.xlo is None: return None else: return self.xhi-self.xlo
@dx.setter def dx(self, dx): if dx is None: return center = 0 if self.xlo is not None and self.xhi is not None: center = float(self.xhi + self.xlo)/2 self.xlo = center - float(dx)/2 self.xhi = center + float(dx)/2 @property
[docs] def dy(self): if self.yhi is None or self.ylo is None: return None else: return self.yhi-self.ylo
@dy.setter def dy(self, dy): if dy is None: return center = 0 if self.ylo is not None and self.yhi is not None: center = float(self.yhi + self.ylo)/2 self.ylo = center - float(dy)/2 self.yhi = center + float(dy)/2 @property
[docs] def dz(self): if self.zhi is None or self.zlo is None: return None else: return self.zhi-self.zlo
@dz.setter def dz(self, dz): if dz is None: return center = 0 if self.zlo is not None and self.zhi is not None: center = float(self.zhi + self.zlo)/2 self.zlo = center - float(dz)/2 self.zhi = center + float(dz)/2
[docs]class System(object): """pysimm.system.System Object representation of molecular system. Contains information required for molecular simulation. Attributes: dim: Dimension object reference particles: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for Particle organization particle_types: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for ParticleType organization bonds: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for Bond organization bond_types: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for BondType organization angles: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for Angle organization angle_types: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for AngleType organization dihedrals: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for Dihedral organization dihedral_types: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for DihedralType organization impropers: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for Improper organization improper_types: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for ImproperType organization molecules: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` for Molecule organization """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.objectified = False = kwargs.get('name', 'pySIMM System Object') self.ff_class = kwargs.get('ff_class') self.forcefield = kwargs.get('forcefield') self.dim = Dimension(xlo=kwargs.get('xlo'), xhi=kwargs.get('xhi'), ylo=kwargs.get('ylo'), yhi=kwargs.get('yhi'), zlo=kwargs.get('zlo'), zhi=kwargs.get('zhi'), dx=kwargs.get('dx'), dy=kwargs.get('dy'), dz=kwargs.get('dz'), center=kwargs.get('center')) self.dim_check = self.dim.check() self.mass = kwargs.get('mass', 0.0) self.particle_types = kwargs.get('particle_types', ItemContainer()) self.bond_types = kwargs.get('bond_types', ItemContainer()) self.angle_types = kwargs.get('angle_types', ItemContainer()) self.dihedral_types = kwargs.get('dihedral_types', ItemContainer()) self.improper_types = kwargs.get('improper_types', ItemContainer()) self.molecule_types = kwargs.get('molecule_types', ItemContainer()) self.particles = kwargs.get('particles', ItemContainer()) self.bonds = kwargs.get('bonds', ItemContainer()) self.angles = kwargs.get('angles', ItemContainer()) self.dihedrals = kwargs.get('dihedrals', ItemContainer()) self.impropers = kwargs.get('impropers', ItemContainer()) self.molecules = kwargs.get('molecules', ItemContainer()) self.write_coeffs = kwargs.get('write_coeffs', True) self.set_mass() self.set_volume() self.set_density() self.set_cog()
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): return None
[docs] def copy(self, rotate_x=None, rotate_y=None, rotate_z=None, dx=0, dy=0, dz=0): """pysimm.system.System.copy Create duplicate :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object. Default behavior does not modify particle positions. Args: rotate_x: rotate duplicate system around x axis by this value (radians) rotate_y: rotate duplicate system around y axis by this value (radians) rotate_z: rotate duplicate system around z axis by this value (radians) dx: translate duplicate system in x dimension by this value (Angstrom) dy: translate duplicate system in y dimension by this value (Angstrom) dz: translate duplicate system in z dimension by this value (Angstrom) """ new = System() new.ff_class = self.ff_class new.forcefield = self.forcefield new.pair_style = self.pair_style new.bond_style = self.bond_style new.angle_style = self.angle_style new.dihedral_style = self.dihedral_style new.improper_style = self.improper_style new.dim = self.dim.copy() for _ in self.molecules: new.molecules.add(Molecule(tag=_.tag)) for pt in self.particle_types: new.particle_types.add(pt.copy()) for bt in self.bond_types: new.bond_types.add(bt.copy()) for at in self.angle_types: new.angle_types.add(at.copy()) for dt in self.dihedral_types: new.dihedral_types.add(dt.copy()) for it in self.improper_types: new.improper_types.add(it.copy()) for p in self.particles: new_p = p.copy() if p.type: new_p.type = new.particle_types[p.type.tag] new_p.molecule = new.molecules[p.molecule.tag] if rotate_x or rotate_y or rotate_z: new_p.x, new_p.y, new_p.z = rotate_vector(new_p.x, new_p.y, new_p.z, rotate_x, rotate_y, rotate_z) new_p.x += dx new_p.y += dy new_p.z += dz new.particles.add(new_p) new_p.molecule.particles.add(new_p) new_p.bonds = ItemContainer() new_p.angles = ItemContainer() new_p.dihedrals = ItemContainer() new_p.impropers = ItemContainer() for b in self.bonds: new_b = b.copy() new_b.a = new.particles[b.a.tag] new_b.b = new.particles[b.b.tag] if b.type: new_b.type = new.bond_types[b.type.tag] new.bonds.add(new_b) new_b.a.molecule.bonds.add(new_b) new_b.a.bonds.add(new_b) new_b.b.bonds.add(new_b) for a in self.angles: new_a = Angle(a=new.particles[a.a.tag], b=new.particles[a.b.tag], c=new.particles[a.c.tag]) if a.type: new_a.type=new.angle_types[a.type.tag] new.angles.add(new_a) new_a.a.molecule.angles.add(new_a) for d in self.dihedrals: new_d = Dihedral(a=new.particles[d.a.tag], b=new.particles[d.b.tag], c=new.particles[d.c.tag], d=new.particles[d.d.tag]) if d.type: new_d.type=new.dihedral_types[d.type.tag] new.dihedrals.add(new_d) new_d.a.molecule.dihedrals.add(new_d) for i in self.impropers: new_i = Improper(a=new.particles[i.a.tag], b=new.particles[i.b.tag], c=new.particles[i.c.tag], d=new.particles[i.d.tag]) if i.type: new_i.type = new.improper_types[i.type.tag] new.impropers.add(new_i) new_i.a.molecule.impropers.add(new_i) for k, v in vars(self).items(): if not isinstance(v, ItemContainer) and not isinstance(v, Item): setattr(new, k, v) return new
[docs] def add(self, other, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.System.add Add other :class:`~pysimm.system.System` to this. Optionally remove duplicate types (default behavior). Args: other: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object to add unique_types (optional): Remove duplicate types and reassign references to existing types (True) change_dim (optional): Update :class:`~pysimm.system.Dimension` object so that :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects do not exist outside of :class:`~pysimm.system.Dimension` extremes (True) update_properties (optional): Update system-wide mass, volume, density, center of gravity, and velocity properties (True) """ unique_types = kwargs.get('unique_types', True) change_dim = kwargs.get('change_dim', True) update_properties = kwargs.get('update_properties', True) for pt in other.particle_types: if unique_types: if not in [ for x in self.particle_types]: del pt.tag self.particle_types.add(pt) else: del pt.tag self.particle_types.add(pt) for bt in other.bond_types: if unique_types: if not in [ for x in self.bond_types]: del bt.tag self.bond_types.add(bt) else: del bt.tag self.bond_types.add(bt) for at in other.angle_types: if unique_types: if not in [ for x in self.angle_types]: del at.tag self.angle_types.add(at) else: del at.tag self.angle_types.add(at) for dt in other.dihedral_types: if unique_types: if not in [ for x in self.dihedral_types]: del dt.tag self.dihedral_types.add(dt) else: del dt.tag self.dihedral_types.add(dt) for it in other.improper_types: if unique_types: if not in [ for x in self.improper_types]: del it.tag self.improper_types.add(it) else: del it.tag self.improper_types.add(it) for p in other.particles: del p.tag if change_dim: self.dim.xhi = max(p.x, self.dim.xhi) self.dim.xlo = min(p.x, self.dim.xlo) self.dim.yhi = max(p.y, self.dim.yhi) self.dim.ylo = min(p.y, self.dim.ylo) self.dim.zhi = max(p.z, self.dim.zhi) self.dim.zlo = min(p.z, self.dim.zlo) if unique_types and p.type not in self.particle_types: pt = self.particle_types.get( if not pt or len(pt) > 1: error_print('ParticleType error') else: p.type = pt[0] self.particles.add(p) for b in other.bonds: del b.tag if unique_types and b.type not in self.bond_types: bt = self.bond_types.get( if not bt or len(bt) > 1: error_print('BondType error') else: b.type = bt[0] self.bonds.add(b) for a in other.angles: del a.tag if unique_types and a.type not in self.angle_types: at = self.angle_types.get( if not at or len(at) > 1: error_print('AngleType error') else: a.type = at[0] self.angles.add(a) for d in other.dihedrals: del d.tag if unique_types and d.type not in self.dihedral_types: dt = self.dihedral_types.get( if not dt: error_print('DihedralType error') elif len(dt) > 1: index = 0 x = 5 for i in range(len(dt)): if dt[i].name.count('X') < x: index = i x = dt[i].name.count('X') d.type = dt[index] else: d.type = dt[0] self.dihedrals.add(d) for i in other.impropers: del i.tag if unique_types and i.type not in self.improper_types: it = self.improper_types.get( if not it: error_print('ImproperType error') else: i.type = it[0] self.impropers.add(i) for m in other.molecules: del m.tag self.molecules.add(m) p_list = m.particles.get('all') m.particles.remove('all') for p in p_list: m.particles.add(p) if update_properties: self.set_mass() self.set_volume() self.set_density() self.set_cog() self.set_velocity()
[docs] def distance(self, p1, p2): """pysimm.system.System.distance Calculate distance between two particles considering pbc. Args: p1: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object p2: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object Returns: distance between particles considering pbc """ return calc.pbc_distance(self, p1, p2)
[docs] def wrap(self): """pysimm.system.System.wrap Wrap :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` images into box defined by :class:`~pysimm.system.Dimension` object. Ensure particles are contained within simulation box. Args: None Returns: None """ self.dim.check() for p in self.particles: while p.x > self.dim.xhi: p.x -= self.dim.dx while p.x < self.dim.xlo: p.x += self.dim.dx while p.y > self.dim.yhi: p.y -= self.dim.dy while p.y < self.dim.ylo: p.y += self.dim.dy while p.z > self.dim.zhi: p.z -= while p.z < self.dim.zlo: p.z +=
[docs] def unwrap(self): """pysimm.system.System.unwrap() Unwraps :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` images such that no bonds cross box edges. Args: None Returns: None """ self.dim.check() self.add_particle_bonding() next_to_unwrap = [] for p in self.particles: p.unwrapped = False for m in self.molecules: for p0 in m.particles: p0.unwrapped = True next_to_unwrap.append(p0) for p in next_to_unwrap: for pb in p.bonded_to: if pb.unwrapped: continue next_to_unwrap.append(pb) pb.unwrapped = True dx = p.x - pb.x while abs(dx) > self.dim.dx / 2: if dx > 0: pb.x += self.dim.dx else: pb.x -= self.dim.dx dx = p.x - pb.x dy = p.y - pb.y while abs(dy) > self.dim.dy / 2: if dy > 0: pb.y += self.dim.dy else: pb.y -= self.dim.dy dy = p.y - pb.y dz = p.z - pb.z while abs(dz) > / 2: if dz > 0: pb.z += else: pb.z -= dz = p.z - pb.z for b in self.bonds: if b.distance() > 5: print('unwrap probably failed') return False return True
[docs] def particles_df(self, columns=['tag', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'q'], index='tag', extras=[]): if pd is None: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.System.particles_df function requires pandas') data = [{c: getattr(p, c) for c in columns} for p in self.particles] if extras: for d in data: if '' in extras: d[''] = self.particles[d['tag']] if 'type.tag' in extras: d['type.tag'] = self.particles[d['tag']].type.tag df = pd.DataFrame(data=data) if index in columns: df = df.set_index(index) return df
[docs] def unite_atoms(self): for p in self.particles: p.implicit_h = 0 if p.elem != 'C': continue for b in p.bonds: pb = b.a if b.b is p else b.b if pb.elem =='H': p.implicit_h += 1 p.charge += pb.charge self.particles.remove(pb.tag, update=False) self.remove_spare_bonding()
[docs] def quality(self, tolerance=0.1): """pysimm.system.System.quality Attemps to assess quality of :class:`~pysimm.system.System` based on bond lengths in unwrapped system. Args: tolerance: fractional value of equilibrium bond length that is acceptable Returns: number of bonds in system outside tolerance """ self.unwrap() bad_bonds = 0 for b in self.bonds: if b.distance() > b.type.r0*(1+tolerance) or b.distance() < b.type.r0*(1-tolerance): bad_bonds += 1 verbose_print('%s of %s bonds found to be outside of tolerance' % (bad_bonds, self.bonds.count)) self.wrap() return bad_bonds
[docs] def shift_to_origin(self): """pysimm.system.System.shift_to_origin Shifts simulation box to begin at origin. i.e. xlo=ylo=zlo=0 Args: None Returns: None """ for p in self.particles: p.x -= self.dim.xlo p.y -= self.dim.ylo p.z -= self.dim.zlo self.dim.xhi -= self.dim.xlo self.dim.yhi -= self.dim.ylo self.dim.zhi -= self.dim.zlo self.dim.xlo -= self.dim.xlo self.dim.ylo -= self.dim.ylo self.dim.zlo -= self.dim.zlo
[docs] def set_charge(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_charge Sets total charge of all :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects in System.particles Args: None Returns: None """ self.charge = 0 for p in self.particles: self.charge += p.charge
[docs] def zero_charge(self): """pysimm.system.System.zero_charge Enforces total :class:`~pysimm.system.System` charge to be 0.0 by subtracting excess charge from last particle Args: None: Returns: None """ charge = 0. for p in self.particles: charge += p.charge if charge != 0: p.charge -= charge self.set_charge()
[docs] def check_items(self): """pysimm.system.System.check_items Checks particles, bonds, angles, dihedrals, impropers, and molecules containers and raises exception if the length of items in the container does not equal the count property Args: None: Returns: None """ if len(self.particles) != self.particles.count: raise PysimmError('particles missing') if len(self.bonds) != self.bonds.count: raise PysimmError('bonds missing') if len(self.angles) != self.angles.count: raise PysimmError('angles missing') if len(self.dihedrals) != self.dihedrals.count: raise PysimmError('dihedrals missing') if len(self.impropers) != self.impropers.count: raise PysimmError('impropers missing') if len(self.molecules) != self.molecules.count: raise PysimmError('molecules missing')
[docs] def update_ff_types_from_ac(self, ff, acname): """pysimm.system.System.update_ff_types_from_ac Updates :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` objects in system using type names given in antechamber (ac) file. Retrieves type from System if possible, then searches force field provided by ff. Args: ff: forcefield to search for Type objects acname: ac filename containing type names Returns: None """ self.particle_types.remove('all') with open(acname) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('ATOM'): tag = int(line.split()[1]) tname = line.split()[-1] s_pt = self.particle_types.get(tname) if not s_pt: s_pt = ff.particle_types.get(tname) if not s_pt: error_print('cannot find type with name {}'.format(tname)) self.particle_types.add(s_pt[0].copy()) self.particles[tag].type = self.particle_types.get(tname)[0]
[docs] def update_particle_types_from_forcefield(self, f): """pysimm.system.System.update_types_from_forcefield Updates :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` data from :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object f based on :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType`.name Args: f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object reference Returns: None """ for pt in self.particle_types: name_ ='@')[-1] linker = False if'@') >= 0: linker ='@')[0] pt_ = f.particle_types.get(name_) if pt_: new = pt_[0].copy() new.tag = pt.tag if linker: = '%s@%s' % (linker, self.particle_types.remove(pt.tag) self.particle_types.add(new)
[docs] def make_linker_types(self): """pysimm.system.System.make_linker_types Identifies linker particles and creates duplicate :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType objects with new names. Identification is performed by :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle`.linker attribute. New :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` name is prepended with [H or T]L@ to designate head or tail linker Args: None Returns: None """ for p in self.particles: if p.linker == 'head': head_linker = self.particle_types.get('HL@%s' % if head_linker: p.type = head_linker[0] else: p.type = p.type.copy() = 'HL@%s' % self.particle_types.add(p.type) elif p.linker == 'tail': tail_linker = self.particle_types.get('TL@%s' % if tail_linker: p.type = tail_linker[0] else: p.type = p.type.copy() = 'TL@%s' % self.particle_types.add(p.type) elif p.linker: linker = self.particle_types.get('L@%s' % if linker: p.type = linker[0] else: p.type = p.type.copy() = 'L@%s' % self.particle_types.add(p.type)
[docs] def remove_linker_types(self): """pysimm.system.System.remove_linker_types Reassigns :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle`.type references to original :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` objects without linker prepend Args: None Returns: None """ for p in self.particles: if'@') >= 0: pt = self.particle_types.get('@')[-1]) if pt: p.type = pt[0] else: print('cannot find regular type for linker %s' %
[docs] def read_lammps_dump(self, fname): """pysimm.system.System.read_lammps_dump Updates particle positions and box size from LAMMPS dump file. Assumes following format for each atom line: tag charge xcoord ycoord zcoord xvelocity yvelocity zvelocity Args: fname: LAMMPS dump file Returns: None """ nparticles = 0 with open(fname) as f: line = f.readline() while line: if len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'NUMBER': nparticles = int(f.readline()) elif len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'BOX': self.dim.xlo, self.dim.xhi = map(float, f.readline().split()) self.dim.ylo, self.dim.yhi = map(float, f.readline().split()) self.dim.zlo, self.dim.zhi = map(float, f.readline().split()) self.set_volume() self.set_density() elif len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'ATOMS': for i in range(nparticles): tag, q, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = map(float, f.readline().split()) tag = int(tag) if self.particles[tag]: p = self.particles[tag] p.charge = q p.x = x p.vx = vx p.y = y p.vy = vy p.z = z p.vz = vz line = f.readline()
[docs] def read_lammpstrj(self, trj, frame=1): """pysimm.system.System.read_lammpstrj Updates particle positions and box size from LAMMPS trajectory file at given frame. Assumes one of following formats for each atom line: tag xcoord ycoord zcoord OR tag type_id xcoord ycoord zcoord OR tag type_id xcoord ycoord zcoord ximage yimage zimage Args: trj: LAMMPS trajectory file frame: sequential frame number (not LAMMPS timestep) default=1 Returns: None """ t_frame = 0 nparticles = 0 updated = 0 with open(trj) as f: line = f.readline() while line: if len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'TIMESTEP': t_frame += 1 elif len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'NUMBER': nparticles = int(f.readline()) elif (len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'BOX' and t_frame == frame): self.dim.xlo, self.dim.xhi = map(float, f.readline().split()) self.dim.ylo, self.dim.yhi = map(float, f.readline().split()) self.dim.zlo, self.dim.zhi = map(float, f.readline().split()) elif (len(line.split()) > 1 and line.split()[1] == 'ATOMS' and t_frame == frame): for i in range(nparticles): line = f.readline().split() if len(line) == 4: id_, x, y, z = map(float, line) elif len(line) == 5: id_, type_, x, y, z = map(float, line) elif len(line) == 8: id_, type_, x, y, z, ix, iy, iz = map(float, line) else: error_print('cannot understand lammpstrj formatting; exiting') return id_ = int(id_) if self.particles[id_]: updated += 1 self.particles[id_].x = x self.particles[id_].y = y self.particles[id_].z = z line = f.readline() verbose_print('updated particle positions for %s of %s particles from trajectory' % (updated, nparticles))
[docs] def read_xyz(self, xyz, frame=1, quiet=False): """pysimm.system.System.read_xyz Updates particle positions and box size from xyz file at given frame Args: xyz: xyz trajectory file frame: sequential frame number default=1 quiet: True to print status default=False Returns: None """ if not quiet: verbose_print('reading particle positions from %s' % xyz) warning_print('particles are assumed to be in order in xyz file') t_frame = 0 with open(xyz) as f: line = f.readline() while line: t_frame += 1 assert int(line.split()[0]) == self.particles.count line = f.readline() for n in range(1, self.particles.count + 1): p = self.particles[n] if t_frame == 1: if not p.type.elem and if[0].lower() != 'l': p.type.elem =[0].upper() else: p.type.elem =[1].upper() line = f.readline() if t_frame == frame: x, y, z = map(float, line.split()[1:]) p.x = x p.y = y p.z = z if t_frame == frame: print('read %s particle positions from %s' % (self.particles.count, xyz)) line = f.readline()
[docs] def update_types(self, ptypes, btypes, atypes, dtypes, itypes): """pysimm.system.System.update_types Updates type objects from a given list of types. Args: ptypes: list of :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` objects from which to update btypes: list of :class:`~pysimm.system.BondType` objects from which to update atypes: list of :class:`~pysimm.system.AngleType` objects from which to update dtypes: list of :class:`~pysimm.system.DihedralType` objects from which to update itypes: list of :class:`~pysimm.system.ImproperType` objects from which to update """ if ptypes is not None: for p in self.particles: pt = self.particle_types.get(, first=True) if pt: p.type = pt[0] self.particle_types.remove('all') for pt in ptypes: self.particle_types.add(pt) if btypes is not None: for b in self.bonds: bt = self.bond_types.get(, first=True) if bt: b.type = bt[0] self.bond_types.remove('all') for bt in btypes: self.bond_types.add(bt) if atypes is not None: for a in self.angles: at = self.angle_types.get(, first=True) if at: a.type = at[0] self.angle_types.remove('all') for at in atypes: self.angle_types.add(at) if dtypes is not None: for d in self.dihedrals: dt = self.dihedral_types.get(, first=True) if dt: d.type = dt[0] self.dihedral_types.remove('all') for dt in dtypes: self.dihedral_types.add(dt) if itypes is not None: for i in self.impropers: it = self.improper_types.get(, first=True) if it: i.type = it[0] self.improper_types.remove('all') for it in itypes: self.improper_types.add(it)
[docs] def read_type_names(self, types_file): """pysimm.system.System.read_type_names Update :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` names from file. Args: types_file: type dictionary file name Returns: None """ ptypes = dict() btypes = dict() atypes = dict() dtypes = dict() itypes = dict() if os.path.isfile(types_file): f = open(types_file) elif isinstance(types_file, str): f = StringIO(types_file) for line in f: line = line.split() if line and line[0].lower() == 'atom': for i in range(self.particle_types.count): line = next(f).split() ptypes[int(line[0])] = line[1] elif line and line[0].lower() == 'bond': for i in range(self.bond_types.count): line = next(f).split() btypes[int(line[0])] = line[1] elif line and line[0].lower() == 'angle': for i in range(self.angle_types.count): line = next(f).split() atypes[int(line[0])] = line[1] elif line and line[0].lower() == 'dihedral': for i in range(self.dihedral_types.count): line = next(f).split() dtypes[int(line[0])] = line[1] elif line and line[0].lower() == 'improper': for i in range(self.improper_types.count): line = next(f).split() itypes[int(line[0])] = line[1] for t in self.particle_types: = ptypes[t.tag] if[0] == 'L': if[1].upper() in ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O']: t.elem =[1].upper() else: if[0].upper() in ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O']: t.elem =[0].upper() for t in self.bond_types: = btypes[t.tag] t.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) for t in self.angle_types: = atypes[t.tag] t.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) for t in self.dihedral_types: = dtypes[t.tag] t.rname = ','.join(reversed(','))) for t in self.improper_types: = itypes[t.tag] t.rname = ','.join(reversed(',')))
[docs] def remove_spare_bonding(self, update_tags=True): """pysimm.system.System.remove_spare_bonding Removes bonds, angles, dihedrals and impropers that reference particles not in :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.particles Args: update_tags: True to update all tags after removal of bonding items default=True """ for b in self.bonds: if b.a not in self.particles or b.b not in self.particles: self.bonds.remove(b.tag, update=False) for a in self.angles: if (a.a not in self.particles or a.b not in self.particles or a.c not in self.particles): self.angles.remove(a.tag, update=False) for d in self.dihedrals: if (d.a not in self.particles or d.b not in self.particles or d.c not in self.particles or d.d not in self.particles): self.dihedrals.remove(d.tag, update=False) for i in self.impropers: if (i.a not in self.particles or i.b not in self.particles or i.c not in self.particles or i.d not in self.particles): self.impropers.remove(i.tag, update=False) if update_tags: self.update_tags()
[docs] def update_tags(self): """pysimm.system.System.update_tags Update Item tags in :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` objects to preserve continuous tags. Removes all objects and then reinserts them. Args: None Returns: None """ particles = self.particles.get('all') self.particles.remove('all') for p in particles: del p.tag self.particles.add(p) ptypes = self.particle_types.get('all') self.particle_types.remove('all') for pt in ptypes: del pt.tag self.particle_types.add(pt) bonds = self.bonds.get('all') self.bonds.remove('all') for b in bonds: del b.tag self.bonds.add(b) btypes = self.bond_types.get('all') self.bond_types.remove('all') for bt in btypes: del bt.tag self.bond_types.add(bt) angles = self.angles.get('all') self.angles.remove('all') for a in angles: del a.tag self.angles.add(a) atypes = self.angle_types.get('all') self.angle_types.remove('all') for at in atypes: del at.tag self.angle_types.add(at) dihedrals = self.dihedrals.get('all') self.dihedrals.remove('all') for d in dihedrals: del d.tag self.dihedrals.add(d) dtypes = self.dihedral_types.get('all') self.dihedral_types.remove('all') for dt in dtypes: del dt.tag self.dihedral_types.add(dt) impropers = self.impropers.get('all') self.impropers.remove('all') for i in impropers: del i.tag self.impropers.add(i) itypes = self.improper_types.get('all') self.improper_types.remove('all') for it in itypes: del it.tag self.improper_types.add(it)
[docs] def set_references(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_references Set object references when :class:`~pysimm.system.System` information read from text file. For example, if bond type value 2 is read from file, set :class:`~pysimm.system.Bond`.type to bond_types[2] Args: None Returns: None """ for p in self.particles: if isinstance(p.type, int) and self.particle_types[p.type]: p.type = self.particle_types[p.type] elif isinstance(p.type, int) and not self.particle_types[p.type]: error_print('error: Cannot find type with tag %s in system ' 'particles types' % p.type) for b in self.bonds: if isinstance(b.type, int) and self.bond_types[b.type]: b.type = self.bond_types[b.type] elif isinstance(b.type, int) and not self.bond_types[b.type]: error_print('error: Cannot find type with tag %s in system ' 'bond types' % b.type) for a in self.angles: if isinstance(a.type, int) and self.angle_types[a.type]: a.type = self.angle_types[a.type] elif isinstance(b.type, int) and not self.angle_types[a.type]: error_print('error: Cannot find type with tag %s in system ' 'angle types' % a.type) for d in self.dihedrals: if isinstance(d.type, int) and self.dihedral_types[d.type]: d.type = self.dihedral_types[d.type] elif isinstance(d.type, int) and not self.dihedral_types[d.type]: error_print('error: Cannot find type with tag %s in system ' 'dihedral types' % d.type) for i in self.impropers: if isinstance(i.type, int) and self.improper_types[i.type]: i.type = self.improper_types[i.type] elif isinstance(i.type, int) and not self.improper_types[i.type]: error_print('error: Cannot find type with tag %s in system ' 'improper types' % i.type)
[docs] def objectify(self): """pysimm.system.System.objectify Set references for :class:`~pysimm.system.Bond`, :class:`~pysimm.system.Angle`, :class:`~pysimm.system.Dihedral`, :class:`~pysimm.system.Improper` objects. For example, if read from file that bond #1 is between particle 1 and 2 set :class:`~pysimm.system.Bond`.a to particles[1], etc. Args: None Returns: None """ if self.objectified: return 'already objectified' self.set_references() for p in self.particles: if not isinstance(p.molecule, Molecule): if not self.molecules[p.molecule]: m = Molecule() m.tag = p.molecule self.molecules.add(m) p.molecule = self.molecules[p.molecule] if not self.molecules[p.molecule.tag].particles[p.tag]: self.molecules[p.molecule.tag].particles.add(p) if p != self.molecules[p.molecule.tag].particles[p.tag]: self.molecules[p.molecule.tag].particles.remove(p.tag, update=False) self.molecules[p.molecule.tag].particles.add(p) for prop in ['bonds', 'angles' 'dihedrals', 'impropers']: if not getattr(p, prop): setattr(p, prop, ItemContainer()) for b in self.bonds: if type(b.a) == int: b.a = self.particles[b.a] b.b = self.particles[b.b] b.a.bonds.add(b) b.b.bonds.add(b) if b.a.molecule: b.a.molecule.bonds.add(b) for a in self.angles: if type(a.a) == int: a.a = self.particles[a.a] a.b = self.particles[a.b] a.c = self.particles[a.c] if a.a.molecule: a.a.molecule.angles.add(a) for d in self.dihedrals: if type(d.a) == int: d.a = self.particles[d.a] d.b = self.particles[d.b] d.c = self.particles[d.c] d.d = self.particles[d.d] if d.a.molecule: d.a.molecule.dihedrals.add(d) for i in self.impropers: if type(i.a) == int: i.a = self.particles[i.a] i.b = self.particles[i.b] i.c = self.particles[i.c] i.d = self.particles[i.d] if i.a.molecule: i.a.molecule.impropers.add(i) self.objectified = True
[docs] def add_particle_bonding(self): """pysimm.system.System.add_particle_bonding Update :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects such that :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle`.bonded_to contains other :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects invloved in bonding Args: None Returns: None """ for p in self.particles: p.bonded_to = ItemContainer() p.bonds = ItemContainer() for b in self.bonds: b.a.bonded_to.add(b.b) b.a.bonds.add(b) b.b.bonded_to.add(b.a) b.b.bonds.add(b)
[docs] def set_excluded_particles(self, bonds=True, angles=True, dihedrals=True): """pysimm.system.System.set_excluded_particles Updates :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object such that :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle`.excluded_particles contains other :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects involved in 1-2, 1-3, and/or 1-4 interactions Args: bonds: exclude particles involved in 1-2 interactions angles: exclude particles involved in 1-3 interactions dihedrals: exclude particles involved in 1-4 interactions """ for p in self.particles: p.excluded_particles = ItemContainer() if bonds: for b in self.bonds: if b.a.tag < b.b.tag: b.a.excluded_particles.add(b.b) else: b.b.excluded_particles.add(b.a) if angles: for a in self.angles: if a.a.tag < a.b.tag: a.a.excluded_particles.add(a.b) if a.a.tag < a.c.tag: a.a.excluded_particles.add(a.c) if a.b.tag < a.a.tag: a.b.excluded_particles.add(a.a) if a.b.tag < a.c.tag: a.b.excluded_particles.add(a.c) if a.c.tag < a.a.tag: a.c.excluded_particles.add(a.a) if a.c.tag < a.b.tag: a.c.excluded_particles.add(a.b) if dihedrals: for d in self.dihedrals: if d.a.tag < d.b.tag: d.a.excluded_particles.add(d.b) if d.a.tag < d.c.tag: d.a.excluded_particles.add(d.c) if d.a.tag < d.d.tag: d.a.excluded_particles.add(d.d) if d.b.tag < d.a.tag: d.b.excluded_particles.add(d.a) if d.b.tag < d.c.tag: d.b.excluded_particles.add(d.c) if d.b.tag < d.d.tag: d.b.excluded_particles.add(d.d) if d.c.tag < d.a.tag: d.c.excluded_particles.add(d.a) if d.c.tag < d.b.tag: d.c.excluded_particles.add(d.b) if d.c.tag < d.d.tag: d.c.excluded_particles.add(d.d) if d.d.tag < d.a.tag: d.d.excluded_particles.add(d.a) if d.d.tag < d.b.tag: d.d.excluded_particles.add(d.b) if d.d.tag < d.c.tag: d.d.excluded_particles.add(d.c)
[docs] def set_atomic_numbers(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_atomic_numbers Updates :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` objects with atomic number based on :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType`.elem Args: None Returns: None """ for pt in self.particle_types: if pt.elem == 'H': pt.atomic_number = 1 elif pt.elem == 'He': pt.atomic_number = 2 elif pt.elem == 'Li': pt.atomic_number = 3 elif pt.elem == 'Be': pt.atomic_number = 4 elif pt.elem == 'B': pt.atomic_number = 5 elif pt.elem == 'C': pt.atomic_number = 6 elif pt.elem == 'N': pt.atomic_number = 7 elif pt.elem == 'O': pt.atomic_number = 8 elif pt.elem == 'F': pt.atomic_number = 9 elif pt.elem == 'Ne': pt.atomic_number = 10 elif pt.elem == 'Na': pt.atomic_number = 11 elif pt.elem == 'Mg': pt.atomic_number = 12 elif pt.elem == 'Al': pt.atomic_number = 13 elif pt.elem == 'Si': pt.atomic_number = 14 elif pt.elem == 'P': pt.atomic_number = 15 elif pt.elem == 'S': pt.atomic_number = 16 elif pt.elem == 'Cl': pt.atomic_number = 17 elif pt.elem == 'Ar': pt.atomic_number = 18 elif pt.elem == 'K': pt.atomic_number = 19 elif pt.elem == 'Ca': pt.atomic_number = 20 elif pt.elem == 'Br': pt.atomic_number = 35 elif pt.elem == 'I': pt.atomic_number = 53
[docs] def add_particle_bonded_to(self, p, p0, f=None, sep=1.5): """pysimm.system.System.add_particle_bonded_to Add new :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` to :class:`~pysimm.system.System` bonded to p0 and automatically update new forcefield types Args: p: new :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object to be added p0: original :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object in :class:`~pysimm.system.System` to which p will be bonded f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field types will be retrieved Returns: new Particle being added to system for convenient reference """ if p.x is None or p.y is None or p.z is None: phi = random() * 2 * pi theta = acos(random() * 2 - 1) p.x = p0.x + sep * cos(theta) * sin(phi) p.y = p0.y + sep * sin(theta) * sin(phi) p.z = p0.z + sep * cos(phi) if p.charge is None: p.charge = 0 if p.molecule is None: p.molecule = p0.molecule self.add_particle(p) self.add_bond(p0, p, f) if not p0.bonded_to: self.add_particle_bonding() for p_ in p0.bonded_to: if p_ is not p: self.add_angle(p_, p0, p, f) for p_b in p_.bonded_to: if p_b is not p0: self.add_dihedral(p_b, p_, p0, p, f) return p
[docs] def add_particle(self, p): """pysimm.system.System.add_particle Add new :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` to :class:`~pysimm.system.System`. Args: p: new :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object to be added Returns: None """ self.particles.add(p)
[docs] def rotate(self, around=None, theta_x=0, theta_y=0, theta_z=0, rot_matrix=None): """pysimm.system.System.rotate *** REQUIRES NUMPY *** Rotates entire system around given :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` by user defined angles Args: around: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` around which :class:`~pysimm.system.System` will be rotated default=None theta_x: angle around which system will be rotated on x axis theta_y: angle around which system will be rotated on y axis theta_z: angle around which system will be rotated on z axis rot_matrix: rotation matrix to use for rotation Returns: None """ if not np: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.System.rotate function requires numpy') theta_x = random() * 2 * pi if theta_x == 'random' else theta_x theta_y = random() * 2 * pi if theta_y == 'random' else theta_y theta_z = random() * 2 * pi if theta_z == 'random' else theta_z if around is None: around = [] self.set_cog() around.append(self.cog[0]) around.append(self.cog[1]) around.append(self.cog[2]) elif isinstance(around, Particle): around = [around.x, around.y, around.z] if (isinstance(around, list) and len(around) == 3 and len(set([isinstance(x, float) for x in around])) == 1 and isinstance(around[0], float)): for p in self.particles: p.x -= around[0] p.y -= around[1] p.z -= around[2] if rot_matrix is not None: p.x, p.y, p.z = [x[0] for x in (rot_matrix*np.matrix([[p.x], [p.y], [p.z]])).tolist()] else: p.x, p.y, p.z = rotate_vector(p.x, p.y, p.z, theta_x, theta_y, theta_z) p.x += around[0] p.y += around[1] p.z += around[2]
[docs] def make_new_bonds(self, p1=None, p2=None, f=None, angles=True, dihedrals=True, impropers=True): """pysimm.system.System.make_new_bonds Makes new bond between two particles and updates new force field types Args: p1: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in new bond p2: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` object involved in new bond f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field types will be retrieved angles: True to update new angles default=True dihedrals: True to update new dihedrals default=True impropers: True to update new impropers default=True Returns: None """ self.add_particle_bonding() if p1.molecule is not p2.molecule: if p1.molecule.particles.count < p2.molecule.particles.count: old_molecule_tag = p1.molecule.tag for p_ in p1.molecule.particles: p_.molecule = p2.molecule else: old_molecule_tag = p2.molecule.tag for p_ in p2.molecule.particles: p_.molecule = p1.molecule self.molecules.remove(old_molecule_tag) self.add_bond(p1, p2, f) if angles or dihedrals or impropers: for p in p1.bonded_to: if angles: if p is not p2: self.add_angle(p, p1, p2, f) if dihedrals: for pb in p.bonded_to: if pb is not p1 and p is not p2: self.add_dihedral(pb, p, p1, p2, f) for p in p2.bonded_to: if angles: if p is not p1: self.add_angle(p1, p2, p, f) if dihedrals: for pb in p.bonded_to: if pb is not p2 and p is not p1: self.add_dihedral(p1, p2, p, pb, f) if dihedrals: for pb1 in p1.bonded_to: for pb2 in p2.bonded_to: if pb1 is not p2 and pb2 is not p1: self.add_dihedral(pb1, p1, p2, pb2, f) if impropers: if self.ff_class == '2': for perm in permutations(p1.bonded_to, 3): unique = True for i in self.impropers: if i.a is not p1: continue if set([i.b, i.c, i.d]) == set([perm[0], perm[1], perm[2]]): unique = False break if unique: self.add_improper(p1, perm[0], perm[1], perm[2], f) for perm in permutations(p2.bonded_to, 3): unique = True for i in self.impropers: if i.a is not p2: continue if set([i.b, i.c, i.d]) == set([perm[0], perm[1], perm[2]]): unique = False break if unique: self.add_improper(p2, perm[0], perm[1], perm[2], f)
[docs] def add_bond(self, a=None, b=None, f=None): """pysimm.system.System.add_bond Add :class:`~pysimm.system.Bond` to system between two particles Args: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Bond` b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Bond` f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field type will be retrieved Returns: None """ if a is b: return a_name = a.type.eq_bond or b_name = b.type.eq_bond or btype = self.bond_types.get('%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name)) if not btype and f: btype = f.bond_types.get('%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name)) if btype: bt = btype[0].copy() self.bond_types.add(bt) btype = self.bond_types.get('%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name)) if btype: new_b = Bond(type=btype[0], a=a, b=b) self.bonds.add(new_b) if a.bonded_to is None or b.bonded_to is None: self.add_particle_bonding() if a.bonded_to and b not in a.bonded_to: a.bonded_to.add(b) if b.bonded_to and a not in b.bonded_to: b.bonded_to.add(a) else: error_print('error: system does not contain bond type named %s,%s ' 'or could not find type in forcefield supplied' % (a_name, b_name)) return
[docs] def add_angle(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, f=None): """pysimm.system.System.add_angle Add :class:`~pysimm.system.Angle` to system between three particles Args: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Angle` b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Angle` (middle particle) c: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Angle` f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field type will be retrieved Returns: None """ if a is c: return a_name = a.type.eq_angle or b_name = b.type.eq_angle or c_name = c.type.eq_angle or atype = self.angle_types.get( '%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name), item_wildcard=None ) if not atype and f: atype = self.angle_types.get( '%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name) ) atype.extend( f.angle_types.get( '%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name) ) ) atype = sorted(atype, key=lambda x:'X')) if atype: if not self.angle_types.get(atype[0].name, item_wildcard=None): atype = self.angle_types.add(atype[0].copy()) else: atype = self.angle_types.get(atype[0].name, item_wildcard=None)[0] elif atype: atype = atype[0] if atype: self.angles.add(Angle(type=atype, a=a, b=b, c=c)) else: error_print('error: system does not contain angle type named ' '%s,%s,%s or could not find type in forcefield supplied' % (a_name, b_name, c_name)) return
[docs] def add_dihedral(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, d=None, f=None): """pysimm.system.System.add_dihedral Add :class:`~pysimm.system.Dihedral` to system between four particles Args: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Dihedral` b: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Dihedral` (middle particle) c: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Dihedral` (middle particle) d: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Dihedral` f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field type will be retrieved Returns: None """ if a is c or b is d: return a_name = a.type.eq_dihedral or b_name = b.type.eq_dihedral or c_name = c.type.eq_dihedral or d_name = d.type.eq_dihedral or dtype = self.dihedral_types.get( '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name), item_wildcard=None ) if not dtype and f: dtype = self.dihedral_types.get( '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name) ) dtype.extend( f.dihedral_types.get( '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name) ) ) dtype = sorted(dtype, key=lambda x:'X')) if dtype: if not self.dihedral_types.get(dtype[0].name, item_wildcard=None): dtype = self.dihedral_types.add(dtype[0].copy()) else: dtype = self.dihedral_types.get(dtype[0].name, item_wildcard=None)[0] elif dtype: dtype = dtype[0] if dtype: self.dihedrals.add(Dihedral(type=dtype, a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d)) else: error_print('error: system does not contain dihedral type named ' '%s,%s,%s,%s or could not find type in forcefield ' 'supplied' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name)) error_print('tags: %s %s %s %s' % (a.tag, b.tag, c.tag, d.tag)) return
[docs] def add_improper(self, a=None, b=None, c=None, d=None, f=None): """pysimm.system.System.add_improper Add :class:`~pysimm.system.Improper` to system between four particles Args: a: :class:`~pysimm.system.pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Improper` (middle particle) b: :class:`~pysimm.system.pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Improper` c: :class:`~pysimm.system.pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Improper` d: :class:`~pysimm.system.pysimm.system.Particle` involved in new :class:`~pysimm.system.Improper` f: :class:`~pysimm.system.pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field type will be retrieved Returns: None """ if a is b or a is c or a is d: return a_name = a.type.eq_improper or b_name = b.type.eq_improper or c_name = c.type.eq_improper or d_name = d.type.eq_improper or itype = self.improper_types.get('%s,%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name), improper_type=True, item_wildcard=None) if not itype and f: itype = self.improper_types.get( '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name), improper_type=True ) itype.extend( f.improper_types.get( '%s,%s,%s,%s' % (a_name, b_name, c_name, d_name), improper_type=True ) ) itype = sorted(itype, key=lambda x:'X')) if itype: if not self.improper_types.get(itype[0].name, item_wildcard=None, improper_type=True): itype = self.improper_types.add(itype[0].copy()) else: itype = self.improper_types.get(itype[0].name, item_wildcard=None, improper_type=True)[0] elif itype: itype = itype[0] if itype: self.impropers.add(Improper(type=itype, a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d)) else: return
[docs] def check_forcefield(self): """pysimm.system.System.check_forcefield Iterates through particles and prints the following: tag type name type element type description bonded elements Args: None Returns: None """ if not self.objectified: self.objectify() for p in self.particles: p.bond_elements = [x.a.type.elem if p is x.b else x.b.type.elem for x in p.bonds] p.nbonds = len(p.bond_elements) print(p.tag,, p.type.elem, p.type.desc, p.bond_elements)
[docs] def apply_forcefield(self, f, charges='default', set_box=True, box_padding=10, update_ptypes=False, skip_ptypes=False): """pysimm.system.System.apply_forcefield Applies force field data to :class:`~pysimm.system.System` based on typing rules defined in :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object f Args: f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object from which new force field type will be retrieved charges: type of charges to be applied default='default' set_box: Update simulation box information based on particle positions default=True box_padding: Add padding to simulation box if updating dimensions default=10 (Angstroms) update_ptypes: If True, update particle types based on current :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` names default=False skip_ptypes: if True, do not change particle types Returns: None """ self.ff_class = f.ff_class self.forcefield = if update_ptypes: self.update_particle_types_from_forcefield(f) skip_ptypes = True if not skip_ptypes: f.assign_ptypes(self) if self.bonds.count > 0: f.assign_btypes(self) f.assign_atypes(self) f.assign_dtypes(self) f.assign_itypes(self) if charges: f.assign_charges(self, charges=charges) if set_box: self.set_box(box_padding, center=False)
[docs] def apply_charges(self, f, charges='default'): """pysimm.system.System.apply_charges Applies charges derived using method provided by user. Defaults to 'default'. Calls :func:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield.assign_charges` method of forcefield object provided. Args: f: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object charges: type of charges to be applied default='default' Returns: None """ f.assign_charges(self, charges=charges)
[docs] def write_lammps_mol(self, out_data): """pysimm.system.System.write_lammps_mol Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data formatted as LAMMPS molecule template Args: out_data: where to write data, file name or 'string' Returns: None or string if data file if out_data='string' """ if out_data == 'string': out_file = StringIO() else: out_file = open(out_data, 'w+') self.set_mass() self.set_cog() out_file.write('%s\n\n' % out_file.write('%s atoms\n' % self.particles.count) out_file.write('%s bonds\n' % self.bonds.count) out_file.write('%s angles\n' % self.angles.count) out_file.write('%s dihedrals\n' % self.dihedrals.count) out_file.write('%s impropers\n' % self.impropers.count) if self.particles.count > 0: out_file.write('Coords\n\n') for p in self.particles: out_file.write('{} {} {} {}\n'.format(p.tag, p.x, p.y, p.z)) out_file.write('\n') if self.particles.count > 0: out_file.write('Types\n\n') for p in self.particles: out_file.write('{} {}\n'.format(p.tag, p.type.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.particles.count > 0: out_file.write('Charges\n\n') for p in self.particles: out_file.write('{} {}\n'.format(p.tag, p.charge)) out_file.write('\n') if self.bonds.count > 0: out_file.write('Bonds\n\n') for b in self.bonds: out_file.write('{} {} {} {}\n'.format(b.tag, b.type.tag, b.a.tag, b.b.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.angles.count > 0: out_file.write('Angles\n\n') for a in self.angles: out_file.write('{} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(a.tag, a.type.tag, a.a.tag, a.b.tag, a.c.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.dihedrals.count > 0: out_file.write('Dihedrals\n\n') for d in self.dihedrals: out_file.write('{} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(d.tag, d.type.tag, d.a.tag, d.b.tag, d.c.tag, d.d.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.impropers.count > 0: out_file.write('Impropers\n\n') for i in self.impropers: out_file.write('{} {} {} {} {} {}\n'.format(i.tag, i.type.tag, i.a.tag, i.b.tag, i.c.tag, i.d.tag)) if out_data == 'string': s = out_file.getvalue() out_file.close() return s else: out_file.close()
[docs] def write_lammps(self, out_data, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.System.write_lammps Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data formatted for LAMMPS Args: out_data: where to write data, file name or 'string' Returns: None or string if data file if out_data='string' """ empty = kwargs.get('empty') pair_style = kwargs.get('pair_style', self.pair_style) bond_style = kwargs.get('bond_style', self.bond_style) angle_style = kwargs.get('angle_style', self.angle_style) dihedral_style = kwargs.get('dihedral_style', self.dihedral_style) improper_style = kwargs.get('improper_style', self.improper_style) if out_data == 'string': out_file = StringIO() else: out_file = open(out_data, 'w+') if empty: out_file.write('%s\n\n' % out_file.write('%s atoms\n' % 0) out_file.write('%s bonds\n' % 0) out_file.write('%s angles\n' % 0) out_file.write('%s dihedrals\n' % 0) out_file.write('%s impropers\n' % 0) else: out_file.write('%s\n\n' % out_file.write('%s atoms\n' % self.particles.count) out_file.write('%s bonds\n' % self.bonds.count) out_file.write('%s angles\n' % self.angles.count) out_file.write('%s dihedrals\n' % self.dihedrals.count) out_file.write('%s impropers\n' % self.impropers.count) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('%s atom types\n' % self.particle_types.count) if self.bond_types.count > 0: out_file.write('%s bond types\n' % self.bond_types.count) if self.angle_types.count > 0: out_file.write('%s angle types\n' % self.angle_types.count) if self.dihedral_types.count > 0: out_file.write('%s dihedral types\n' % self.dihedral_types.count) if self.improper_types.count > 0: out_file.write('%s improper types\n' % self.improper_types.count) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('%f %f xlo xhi\n' % (self.dim.xlo, self.dim.xhi)) out_file.write('%f %f ylo yhi\n' % (self.dim.ylo, self.dim.yhi)) out_file.write('%f %f zlo zhi\n' % (self.dim.zlo, self.dim.zhi)) out_file.write('\n') if self.particle_types.count > 0: out_file.write('Masses\n\n') for pt in self.particle_types: out_file.write(pt.write_lammps('mass')) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.particle_types.count > 0: out_file.write('Pair Coeffs\n\n') for pt in self.particle_types: out_file.write(pt.write_lammps(pair_style)) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.bond_types.count > 0: out_file.write('Bond Coeffs\n\n') for b in self.bond_types: out_file.write(b.write_lammps(bond_style)) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.angle_types.count > 0: out_file.write('Angle Coeffs\n\n') for a in self.angle_types: out_file.write(a.write_lammps(angle_style)) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and (self.angle_types.count > 0 and (self.ff_class == '2' or angle_style == 'class2')): out_file.write('BondBond Coeffs\n\n') for a in self.angle_types: out_file.write(a.write_lammps(angle_style, cross_term='BondBond')) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('BondAngle Coeffs\n\n') for a in self.angle_types: out_file.write(a.write_lammps(angle_style, cross_term='BondAngle')) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.dihedral_types.count > 0: out_file.write('Dihedral Coeffs\n\n') for dt in self.dihedral_types: out_file.write(dt.write_lammps(dihedral_style)) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.dihedral_types.count > 0 and (self.ff_class == '2' or dihedral_style == 'class2'): out_file.write('MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n') for d in self.dihedral_types: out_file.write(d.write_lammps(dihedral_style, cross_term='MiddleBond')) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('EndBondTorsion Coeffs\n\n') for d in self.dihedral_types: out_file.write(d.write_lammps(dihedral_style, cross_term='EndBond')) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('AngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n') for d in self.dihedral_types: out_file.write(d.write_lammps(dihedral_style, cross_term='Angle')) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs\n\n') for d in self.dihedral_types: out_file.write(d.write_lammps(dihedral_style, cross_term='AngleAngle')) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('BondBond13 Coeffs\n\n') for d in self.dihedral_types: out_file.write(d.write_lammps(dihedral_style, cross_term='BondBond13')) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.improper_types.count > 0: out_file.write('Improper Coeffs\n\n') for i in self.improper_types: out_file.write(i.write_lammps(improper_style)) out_file.write('\n') if self.write_coeffs and self.improper_types.count > 0 and (self.ff_class == '2' or improper_style == 'class2'): out_file.write('AngleAngle Coeffs\n\n') for i in self.improper_types: out_file.write(i.write_lammps(improper_style, cross_term='AngleAngle')) out_file.write('\n') if self.particles.count > 0 and not empty: out_file.write('Atoms\n\n') for p in self.particles: if not p.molecule: p.molecule = Item() p.molecule.tag = 1 if not p.charge: p.charge = 0 if isinstance(p.molecule, int): out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (p.tag, p.molecule, p.type.tag, p.charge, p.x, p.y, p.z)) else: out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (p.tag, p.molecule.tag, p.type.tag, p.charge, p.x, p.y, p.z)) out_file.write('\n') out_file.write('Velocities\n\n') for p in self.particles: if not p.vx: p.vx = 0. if not p.vy: p.vy = 0. if not p.vz: p.vz = 0. out_file.write('%4d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (p.tag, p.vx, p.vy, p.vz)) out_file.write('\n') if self.bonds.count > 0 and not empty: out_file.write('Bonds\n\n') for b in self.bonds: out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n' % (b.tag, b.type.tag, b.a.tag, b.b.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.angles.count > 0 and not empty: out_file.write('Angles\n\n') for a in self.angles: out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n' % (a.tag, a.type.tag, a.a.tag, a.b.tag, a.c.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.dihedrals.count > 0 and not empty: out_file.write('Dihedrals\n\n') for d in self.dihedrals: out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n' % (d.tag, d.type.tag, d.a.tag, d.b.tag, d.c.tag, d.d.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if self.impropers.count > 0 and not empty: out_file.write('Impropers\n\n') for i in self.impropers: if self.ff_class == '2' or self.improper_style == 'class2': out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n' % (i.tag, i.type.tag, i.b.tag, i.a.tag, i.c.tag, i.d.tag)) else: out_file.write('%4d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n' % (i.tag, i.type.tag, i.a.tag, i.b.tag, i.c.tag, i.d.tag)) out_file.write('\n') if out_data == 'string': s = out_file.getvalue() out_file.close() return s else: out_file.close()
[docs] def write_xyz(self, outfile='', **kwargs): """pysimm.system.System.write_xyz Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data in xyz format Args: outfile: where to write data, file name or 'string' Returns: None or string of data file if out_data='string' """ elem = kwargs.get('elem', True) append = kwargs.get('append') if outfile == 'string': out = StringIO() else: if append: out = open(outfile, 'a') else: out = open(outfile, 'w') out.write('%s\n' % self.particles.count) out.write('xyz file written from pySIMM system module\n') for p in self.particles: if elem and p.type and p.type.elem is not None: out.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (p.type.elem, p.x, p.y, p.z)) elif elem and p.elem is not None: out.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (p.elem, p.x, p.y, p.z)) else: out.write('%s %s %s %s\n' % (p.type.tag, p.x, p.y, p.z)) if outfile == 'string': s = out.getvalue() out.close() return s else: out.close()
[docs] def write_chemdoodle_json(self, outfile, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.System.write_chemdoodle_json Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data in chemdoodle json format Args: outfile: where to write data, file name or 'string' Returns: None or string of data file if out_data='string' """ atoms = [] bonds = [] for p in self.particles: if p.type and p.type.elem: atoms.append({"x": p.x, "y": p.y, "z": p.z, "l": p.type.elem, "i":, "c": p.charge}) elif p.elem and p.type: atoms.append({"x": p.x, "y": p.y, "z": p.z, "l": p.elem, "i":, "c": p.charge}) elif p.elem: atoms.append({"x": p.x, "y": p.y, "z": p.z, "l": p.elem}) else: atoms.append({"x": p.x, "y": p.y, "z": p.z, "i":, "c": p.charge}) for b in self.bonds: if b.order: bonds.append({"b": b.a.tag-1, "e": b.b.tag-1, "o": b.order}) else: bonds.append({"b": b.a.tag-1, "e": b.b.tag-1}) j = {"a": atoms, "b": bonds} if outfile == 'string': out = StringIO() else: out = open(outfile, 'w+') out.write(json.dumps(j)) if outfile == 'string': s = out.getvalue() out.close() return s else: out.close()
[docs] def write_mol(self, outfile='data.mol'): """pysimm.system.System.write_mol Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data in mol format Args: outfile: where to write data, file name or 'string' Returns: None or string of data file if out_data='string' """ if outfile == 'string': out = StringIO() else: out = open(outfile, 'w+') out.write('system\n') out.write('written using pySIMM system module\n\n') out.write('%s\t%s\n' % (self.particles.count, self.bonds.count)) for p in self.particles: if not p.charge: p.charge = 0.0 if p.type and p.type.elem: out.write('%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f %s 0 %10.4f\n' % (p.x, p.y, p.z, '{0: >3}'.format(p.type.elem), p.charge)) elif p.elem: out.write('%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f %s 0 %10.4f\n' % (p.x, p.y, p.z, '{0: >3}'.format(p.elem), p.charge)) elif p.type: out.write('%10.4f%10.4f%10.4f %s 0 %10.4f\n' % (p.x, p.y, p.z, '{0: >3}'.format(p.type.tag), p.charge)) for b in self.bonds: if b.order: out.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (b.a.tag, b.b.tag, b.order, 0, 0, 0)) else: out.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' % (b.a.tag, b.b.tag, 1, 0, 0, 0)) out.write('M END') if outfile == 'string': s = out.getvalue() out.close() return s else: out.close()
[docs] def write_pdb(self, outfile='data.pdb', type_names=True): """pysimm.system.System.write_pdb Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data in pdb format Args: outfile: where to write data, file name or 'string' Returns: None or string of data file if out_data='string' """ if outfile == 'string': out = StringIO() else: out = open(outfile, 'w+') out.write('{:<10}pdb written using pySIMM system module\n' .format('HEADER')) for m in self.molecules: for p in sorted(m.particles, key=lambda x: x.tag): if p.type: out.write( '{:<6}{:>5} {:>4} RES {:4} {: 8.3f}{: 8.3f}{: 8.3f}{:>22}{:>2}\n'.format( 'ATOM', p.tag,[0:4] if type_names else p.type.elem, p.molecule.tag, p.x, p.y, p.z, '', p.type.elem ) ) elif p.elem: out.write( '{:<6}{:>5} {:>4} RES {:4} {: 8.3f}{: 8.3f}{: 8.3f}{:>22}{:>2}\n'.format( 'ATOM', p.tag, p.elem, p.molecule.tag, p.x, p.y, p.z, '', p.elem ) ) out.write('TER\n') for p in self.particles: if p.bonds: out.write('{:<6}{:>5}' .format('CONECT', p.tag)) for t in sorted([x.a.tag if p is x.b else x.b.tag for x in p.bonds]): out.write('{:>5}'.format(t)) out.write('\n') if outfile == 'string': s = out.getvalue() out.close() return s else: out.close()
[docs] def write_yaml(self, file_): """pysimm.system.System.write_yaml Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data in yaml format Args: outfile: file name to write data Returns: None """ n = self.copy() s = vars(n) for k, v in s.items(): if isinstance(v, ItemContainer): s[k] = vars(v) for k_, v_ in s[k].items(): if k_ == '_dict': for t, i in v_.items(): s[k][k_][t] = vars(i) for key, value in s[k][k_][t].items(): if isinstance(value, ItemContainer) or (isinstance(value, list) and value and isinstance(value[0], Item)): s[k][k_][t][key] = [x.tag for x in value] elif isinstance(value, Item) or isinstance(value, System) and value.tag: s[k][k_][t][key] = value.tag elif isinstance(v, Item): s[k] = vars(v) else: s[k] = v if file_ == 'string': f = StringIO() f.write(json.dumps(s, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) yaml_ = f.getvalue() f.close() return yaml_ with open(file_, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(s, indent=4, separators=(',', ': ')))
[docs] def write_cssr(self, outfile='data.cssr', **kwargs): """pysimm.system.System.write_cssr Write :class:`~pysimm.system.System` data in cssr format file format: line, format, contents 1: 38X, 3F8.3 : - length of the three cell parameters (a, b, and c) in angstroms. 2: 21X, 3F8.3, 4X, 'SPGR =', I3, 1X, A11 : - a, b, g in degrees, space group number, space group name. 3: 2I4, 1X, A60 : - Number of atoms stored, coordinate system flag (0=fractional, 1=orthogonal coordinates in Angstrom), first title. 4: A53 : - A line of text that can be used to describe the file. 5-: I4, 1X, A4, 2X, 3(F9.5.1X), 8I4, 1X, F7.3 : - Atom serial number, atom name, x, y, z coordinates, bonding connectivities (max 8), charge. Note: The atom name is a concatenation of the element symbol and the atom serial number. Args: outfile: where to write data, file name or 'string' frac: 0 for using fractional coordinates aname: 0 for using element as atom name; else using atom type name Returns: None or string of data file if out_data='string' """ if outfile == 'string': out = StringIO() else: out = open(outfile, 'w+') frac = kwargs.get('frac', 1) aname = kwargs.get('aname', 0) out.write('%s%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n' % (38*' ', self.dim.dx, self.dim.dy, out.write('%s%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f SPGR= %3d %s\n' % (21*' ', 90.0, 90.0, 90.0, 1, 'P 1')) out.write('%4d%4d %s\n' % (self.particles.count, frac, 'CSSR written using pySIMM system module')) out.write('%s\n' % for p in self.particles: if not p.charge: p.charge = 0.0 if p.type: if aname == 0: if p.type.elem: name = p.type.elem elif p.elem: name = p.elem else: name = p.type.tag else: if name = else: name = p.type.tag else: name = p.tag if frac == 0: x = p.x/self.dim.dx y = p.y/self.dim.dy z = p.z/ else: x = p.x y = p.y z = p.z bonds = '' if p.bonds: n_bonds = 0 for b in p.bonds: if p is b.a: bonds += ' {:4d}'.format(b.b.tag) else: bonds += ' {:4d}'.format(b.a.tag) n_bonds += 1 for i in range(n_bonds+1, 9): bonds = bonds + ' {:4d}'.format(0) out.write('%4d %4s %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %s %7.3f\n' % (p.tag, name, x, y, z, bonds, p.charge)) out.write('\n') if outfile == 'string': s = out.getvalue() out.close() return s else: out.close()
[docs] def consolidate_types(self): """pysimm.system.System.consolidate_types Removes duplicate types and reassigns references Args: None Returns: None """ for pt in self.particle_types: for dup in self.particle_types: if pt is not dup and == for p in self.particles: if p.type == dup: p.type = pt self.particle_types.remove(dup.tag) for bt in self.bond_types: for dup in self.bond_types: if bt is not dup and == for b in self.bonds: if b.type == dup: b.type = bt self.bond_types.remove(dup.tag) for at in self.angle_types: for dup in self.angle_types: if at is not dup and == for a in self.angles: if a.type == dup: a.type = at self.angle_types.remove(dup.tag) for dt in self.dihedral_types: for dup in self.dihedral_types: if dt is not dup and == for d in self.dihedrals: if d.type == dup: d.type = dt self.dihedral_types.remove(dup.tag) for it in self.improper_types: for dup in self.improper_types: if it is not dup and == for i in self.impropers: if i.type == dup: i.type = it self.improper_types.remove(dup.tag)
[docs] def set_cog(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_cog Calculate center of gravity of :class:`~pysimm.system.System` and assign to :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.cog Args: None Returns: None """ self.cog = [0, 0, 0] for p in self.particles: self.cog[0] += p.x self.cog[1] += p.y self.cog[2] += p.z if self.particles.count: self.cog = [c / self.particles.count for c in self.cog]
[docs] def shift_particles(self, shiftx, shifty, shiftz): """pysimm.system.System.shift_particles Shifts all particles by shiftx, shifty, shiftz. Recalculates cog. Args: shiftx: distance to shift particles in x direction shifty: distance to shift particles in y direction shiftz: distance to shift particles in z direction Returns: None """ for p in self.particles: p.translate(shiftx, shifty, shiftz) self.set_cog()
[docs] def center(self, what='particles', at=[0, 0, 0], move_both=True): """ Centers particles center of geometry or simulation box at given coordinate. A vector is defined based on the current coordinate for the center of either the particles or the simulation box and the "at" parameter. This shift vector is applied to the entity defined by the "what" parameter. Optionally, both the particles and the box can be shifted by the same vector. Args: what: what is being centered: "particles" or "box" at: new coordinate for center of particles or box move_both: if True, determines vector for shift defined by "what" and "at" parameters, and applies shift to both particles and box. If false, only shift what is defined by "what" parameter. Returns: None """ if what == 'particles': self.set_cog() move_vec = [at[n] - self.cog[n] for n in range(3)] self.shift_particles(*move_vec) if move_both: self.dim.translate(*move_vec) elif what == 'box': self.dim.size() box_center = [self.dim.xlo+self.dim.dx/2, self.dim.ylo+self.dim.dy/2,] move_vec = [at[n] - box_center[n] for n in range(3)] self.dim.translate(*move_vec) if move_both: self.shift_particles(*move_vec) else: error_print('can only choose to center "particles" or "box"')
[docs] def center_system(self): """pysimm.system.System.center_system DEPRECATED: Use :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.center('box', [0, 0, 0], True) instead Args: None Returns: None """ warning_print("DEPRECATED: Use'box', [0, 0, 0], True) instead of System.center_system())")'box', [0, 0, 0], True)
[docs] def center_at_origin(self): """pysimm.system.System.center_at_origin DEPRECATED: Use :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.center('particles', [0, 0, 0], True) instead Args: None Returns: None """ warning_print("DEPRECATED: Use'particles', [0, 0, 0], True) instead of System.center_at_origin())")'particles', [0, 0, 0], True)
[docs] def set_mass(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_mass Set total mass of particles in :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Args: None Returns: None """ self.mass = 0 for p in self.particles: if p.type.mass is None: self.mass = 0 warning_print('Some particles do not have a mass') break self.mass += p.type.mass
[docs] def set_volume(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_volume Set volume of :class:`~pysimm.system.System` based on Dimension Args: None Returns: None """ if self.dim.check(): self.volume = ((self.dim.xhi - self.dim.xlo) * (self.dim.yhi - self.dim.ylo) * (self.dim.zhi - self.dim.zlo))
[docs] def set_density(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_density Calculate density of :class:`~pysimm.system.System` from mass and volume Args: None Returns: None """ self.set_mass() self.set_volume() if self.mass and self.volume: self.density = self.mass / 6.02e23 / self.volume * 1e24
[docs] def set_velocity(self): """pysimm.system.System.set_velocity Calculate total velocity of particles in :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Args: None Returns: None """ self.vx = 0.0 self.vy = 0.0 self.vz = 0.0 for p in self.particles: if p.vx is None: p.vx = 0 self.vx += p.vx if p.vy is None: p.vy = 0 self.vy += p.vy if p.vz is None: p.vz = 0 self.vz += p.vz
[docs] def zero_velocity(self): """pysimm.system.System.zero_velocity Enforce zero shift velocity in :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Args: None Returns: None """ self.set_velocity() shift_x = shift_y = shift_z = 0.0 if self.vx != 0: shift_x = self.vx / self.particles.count if self.vy != 0: shift_y = self.vy / self.particles.count if self.vz != 0: shift_z = self.vz / self.particles.count if shift_x != 0 or shift_y != 0 or shift_z != 0: for p in self.particles: p.vx -= shift_x p.vy -= shift_y p.vz -= shift_z self.set_velocity()
[docs] def set_box(self, padding=0., center=True): """pysimm.system.System.set_box Update :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.dim with user defined padding. Used to construct a simulation box if it doesn't exist, or adjust the size of the simulation box following system modifications. Args: padding: add padding to all sides of box (Angstrom) center: if True, place center of box at origin default=True Returns: None """ xmin = ymin = zmin = sys.float_info.max xmax = ymax = zmax = sys.float_info.min for p in self.particles: if p.x < xmin: xmin = p.x if p.x > xmax: xmax = p.x if p.y < ymin: ymin = p.y if p.y > ymax: ymax = p.y if p.z < zmin: zmin = p.z if p.z > zmax: zmax = p.z self.dim.xlo = xmin - padding self.dim.xhi = xmax + padding self.dim.ylo = ymin - padding self.dim.yhi = ymax + padding self.dim.zlo = zmin - padding self.dim.zhi = zmax + padding if center:'particles', [0, 0, 0], True)
[docs] def set_mm_dist(self, molecules=None): """pysimm.system.System.set_mm_dist Calculate molecular mass distribution (mainly for polymer systems). Sets :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.mw, :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.mn, and :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.disperisty Args: molecules: :class:`~pysimm.utils.ItemContainer` of molecules to calculate distributions defaul='all' Returns: None """ if molecules is None or molecules == 'all': molecules = self.molecules for m in molecules: m.set_mass() = 0 = 0 for m in molecules: += m.mass += pow(m.mass, 2) /= /= molecules.count self.dispersity = / self.pdi = /
[docs] def set_frac_free_volume(self, v_void=None): """pysimm.system.System.set_frac_free_volume Calculates fractional free volume from void volume and bulk density Args: v_void: void volume if not defined in :class:`~pysimm.system.System`.void_volume default=None Returns: None """ if not v_void and not self.void_volume: error_print('Void volume not provided, cannot calculate fractional free volume') return elif not v_void: self.set_density() self.frac_free_volume = calc.frac_free_volume(1/self.density, self.void_volume) elif not self.void_volume: self.set_density() self.frac_free_volume = calc.frac_free_volume(1/self.density, v_void) if not self.frac_free_volume or self.frac_free_volume < 0: self.frac_free_volume = 0.0
[docs] def visualize(self, vis_exec='vmd', **kwargs): """pysimm.system.System.visualize Visualize system in third party software with given executable. Software must accept pdb or xyz as first command line argument. Args: vis_exec: executable to launch visualization software default='vmd' unwrap (optional): if True, unwrap :class:`~pysimm.system.System` first default=None format (optional): set format default='xyz' Returns: None """ if not call: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.System.visualize function requires') unwrap = kwargs.get('unwrap') format = kwargs.get('format', 'xyz') verbose_print(self.dim.dx, self.dim.xlo, self.dim.xhi) verbose_print(self.dim.dy, self.dim.ylo, self.dim.yhi) verbose_print(, self.dim.zlo, self.dim.zhi) if unwrap: self.unwrap() if format == 'xyz': name_ = '' self.write_xyz(name_) elif format == 'pdb': name_ = 'pysimm_temp.pdb' self.write_pdb(name_) call('%s %s' % (vis_exec, name_), shell=True) os.remove(name_)
[docs] def viz(self, **kwargs): self.visualize(vis_exec='vmd', unwrap=False, format='xyz', **kwargs)
[docs]class Molecule(System): """pysimm.system.Molecule Very similar to :class:`~pysimm.system.System`, but requires less information """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): System.__init__(self, **kwargs) mt = kwargs.get('tag') if mt and isinstance(mt, int): self.tag = mt
[docs]def read_yaml(file_, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.read_yaml Interprets yaml file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: file_: yaml file name Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ if os.path.isfile(file_): dict_ = json.loads(open(file_).read()) else: dict_ = json.loads(file_) s = System() for k, v in dict_.items(): if not isinstance(v, dict): setattr(s, k, v) if isinstance(dict_.get('dim'), dict): s.dim = Dimension(**dict_.get('dim')) if isinstance(dict_.get('particle_types'), dict): s.particle_types = ItemContainer() for pt in dict_.get('particle_types').get('_dict').values(): s.particle_types.add(ParticleType(**pt)) if isinstance(dict_.get('bond_types'), dict): s.bond_types = ItemContainer() for bt in dict_.get('bond_types').get('_dict').values(): s.bond_types.add(BondType(**bt)) if isinstance(dict_.get('angle_types'), dict): s.angle_types = ItemContainer() for at in dict_.get('angle_types').get('_dict').values(): s.angle_types.add(AngleType(**at)) if isinstance(dict_.get('dihedral_types'), dict): s.dihedral_types = ItemContainer() for dt in dict_.get('dihedral_types').get('_dict').values(): s.dihedral_types.add(DihedralType(**dt)) if isinstance(dict_.get('improper_types'), dict): s.improper_types = ItemContainer() for it in dict_.get('improper_types').get('_dict').values(): s.improper_types.add(ImproperType(**it)) if isinstance(dict_.get('particles'), dict): s.particles = ItemContainer() for p in dict_.get('particles').get('_dict').values(): s.particles.add(Particle(**p)) if isinstance(dict_.get('bonds'), dict): s.bonds = ItemContainer() for b in dict_.get('bonds').get('_dict').values(): s.bonds.add(Bond(**b)) if isinstance(dict_.get('angles'), dict): s.angles = ItemContainer() for a in dict_.get('angles').get('_dict').values(): s.angles.add(Angle(**a)) if isinstance(dict_.get('dihedrals'), dict): s.dihedrals = ItemContainer() for d in dict_.get('dihedrals').get('_dict').values(): s.dihedrals.add(Dihedral(**d)) if isinstance(dict_.get('impropers'), dict): s.impropers = ItemContainer() for i in dict_.get('impropers').get('_dict').values(): s.impropers.add(Improper(**i)) if isinstance(dict_.get('molecules'), dict): s.molecules = ItemContainer() for m in dict_.get('molecules').get('_dict').values(): mol = Molecule() for k, v in m.items(): if isinstance(v, list) and not v: setattr(mol, k, ItemContainer()) else: setattr(mol, k, v) particles = [x for x in mol.particles] mol.particles = ItemContainer() for n in particles: mol.particles.add(s.particles[n]) bonds = [x for x in mol.bonds] mol.bonds = ItemContainer() for n in bonds: mol.bonds.add(s.bonds[n]) angles = [x for x in mol.angles] mol.angles = ItemContainer() for n in angles: mol.angles.add(s.angles[n]) dihedrals = [x for x in mol.dihedrals] mol.dihedrals = ItemContainer() for n in dihedrals: mol.dihedrals.add(s.dihedrals[n]) impropers = [x for x in mol.impropers] mol.impropers = ItemContainer() for n in impropers: mol.impropers.add(s.impropers[n]) s.molecules.add(mol) for p in s.particles: if s.particle_types[p.type]: p.type = s.particle_types[p.type] if s.molecules[p.molecule]: p.molecule = s.molecules[p.molecule] bonds = [x for x in p.bonds] p.bonds = ItemContainer() for n in bonds: p.bonds.add(s.bonds[n]) angles = [x for x in p.angles] for n in angles: p.angles.add(s.angles[n]) dihedrals = [x for x in p.dihedrals] for n in dihedrals: p.dihedrals.add(s.dihedrals[n]) impropers = [x for x in p.impropers] for n in impropers: p.impropers.add(s.impropers[n]) for b in s.bonds: if s.bond_types[b.type]: b.type = s.bond_types[b.type] b.a = s.particles[b.a] b.b = s.particles[b.b] for a in s.angles: if s.angle_types[a.type]: a.type = s.angle_types[a.type] a.a = s.particles[a.a] a.b = s.particles[a.b] a.c = s.particles[a.c] for d in s.dihedrals: if s.dihedral_types[d.type]: d.type = s.dihedral_types[d.type] d.a = s.particles[d.a] d.b = s.particles[d.b] d.c = s.particles[d.c] d.d = s.particles[d.d] for i in s.impropers: if s.improper_types[i.type]: i.type = s.improper_types[i.type] i.a = s.particles[i.a] i.b = s.particles[i.b] i.c = s.particles[i.c] i.d = s.particles[i.d] return s
[docs]def read_xyz(file_, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.read_xyz Interprets xyz file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: file_: xyz file name quiet(optional): if False, print status Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ quiet = kwargs.get('quiet') if os.path.isfile(file_): debug_print('reading file') f = open(file_) elif isinstance(file_, str): debug_print('reading string') f = StringIO(file_) s = System() nparticles = int(next(f).strip()) name = next(f).strip() = name for _ in range(nparticles): elem, x, y, z = next(f).split() x = float(x) y = float(y) z = float(z) s.particles.add(Particle(elem=elem, x=x, y=y, z=z)) f.close() for p in s.particles: pt = s.particle_types.get(p.elem) if pt: p.type = pt[0] else: pt = ParticleType(elem=p.elem, name=p.elem) p.type = pt s.particle_types.add(pt) if not quiet: verbose_print('read %s particles' % s.particles.count) s.set_box(padding=0.5) return s
[docs]def read_chemdoodle_json(file_, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.read_chemdoodle_json Interprets ChemDoodle JSON (Java Script Object Notation) file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: file_: json file name quiet(optional): if False, print status Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ quiet = kwargs.get('quiet') if os.path.isfile(file_): debug_print('reading file') f = open(file_) elif isinstance(file_, str): debug_print('reading string') f = StringIO(file_) s = System() data = json.loads( for a in data.get('a'): s.particles.add(Particle( x=a.get('x'), y=a.get('y'), z=a.get('z'), charge=a.get('c'), elem=a.get('l'), type_name=a.get('i') )) for b in data.get('b'): s.bonds.add(Bond( a=s.particles[b.get('b')+1], b=s.particles[b.get('e')+1], order=b.get('o') )) return s
[docs]def read_lammps(data_file, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.read_lammps Interprets LAMMPS data file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: data_file: LAMMPS data file name quiet(optional): if False, print status atom_style (optional): option to let user override (understands charge, molecular, full) pair_style (optional): option to let user override bond_style (optional): option to let user override angle_style (optional): option to let user override dihedral_style (optional): option to let user override improper_style (optional): option to let user override set_types (optional): if True, objectify default=True name (optional): provide name for system Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ atom_style = kwargs.get('atom_style') pair_style = kwargs.get('pair_style') bond_style = kwargs.get('bond_style') angle_style = kwargs.get('angle_style') dihedral_style = kwargs.get('dihedral_style') improper_style = kwargs.get('improper_style') set_types = kwargs.get('set_types', True) name = kwargs.get('name') quiet = kwargs.get('quiet') if os.path.isfile(data_file): if not quiet: verbose_print('reading lammps data file "%s"' % data_file) f = open(data_file) elif isinstance(data_file, str): if not quiet: verbose_print('reading lammps data file from string') f = StringIO(data_file) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_lammps requires either ' 'file or string as first argument') if name: if not quiet: verbose_print('creating pysimm.system.System object with name %s' % name) s = System(name=name) else: s = System(name=next(f).strip()) nparticles = nparticle_types = nbonds = nbond_types = 0 nangles = nangle_types = ndihedrals = ndihedral_types = 0 nimpropers = nimproper_types = 0 for line in f: line = line.split() if len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'atoms': nparticles = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'atom': nparticle_types = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'bonds': nbonds = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'bond': nbond_types = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'angles': nangles = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'angle': nangle_types = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'dihedrals': ndihedrals = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'dihedral': ndihedral_types = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'impropers': nimpropers = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 1 and line[1] == 'improper': nimproper_types = int(line[0]) elif len(line) > 3 and line[2] == 'xlo': s.dim.xlo = float(line[0]) s.dim.xhi = float(line[1]) elif len(line) > 3 and line[2] == 'ylo': s.dim.ylo = float(line[0]) s.dim.yhi = float(line[1]) elif len(line) > 3 and line[2] == 'zlo': s.dim.zlo = float(line[0]) s.dim.zhi = float(line[1]) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Masses': next(f) for i in range(nparticle_types): pt = ParticleType.parse_lammps(next(f), 'mass') if s.particle_types[pt.tag]: s.particle_types[pt.tag].mass = pt.mass else: s.particle_types.add(pt) if not quiet: verbose_print('read masses for %s ParticleTypes' % s.particle_types.count) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Pair': if '#' in line and not pair_style: line = ' '.join(line).split('#') pair_style = line[1].strip() next(f) for i in range(nparticle_types): line = next(f) if not pair_style: warning_print('unknown pair style - infering from number of parameters (2=lj 3=buck 4=charmm)') pair_style = ParticleType.guess_style( len(line.split('#')[0].split()[1:]) ) if pair_style: pt = ParticleType.parse_lammps(line, pair_style) if s.particle_types[pt.tag]: s.particle_types[pt.tag].set(**vars(pt)) else: s.particle_types.add(pt) verbose_print('read "%s" nonbonded parameters ' 'for %s ParticleTypes' % (pair_style, s.particle_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Bond': next(f) for i in range(nbond_types): line = next(f) if not bond_style: warning_print('unknown bond_style - infering from number of parameters (2=harmonic 4=class2)') bond_style = BondType.guess_style( len(line.split('#')[0].split()[1:]) ) if bond_style: s.bond_types.add(BondType.parse_lammps(line, bond_style)) verbose_print('read "%s" bond parameters ' 'for %s BondTypes' % (bond_style, s.bond_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Angle': next(f) for i in range(nangle_types): line = next(f) if not angle_style: warning_print('unknown angle_style - infering from number of parameters (2=harmonic)') angle_style = AngleType.guess_style( len(line.split('#')[0].split()[1:]) ) if angle_style: s.angle_types.add(AngleType.parse_lammps(line, angle_style)) verbose_print('read "%s" angle parameters ' 'for %s AngleTypes' % (angle_style, s.angle_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'BondBond': next(f) for i in range(nangle_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.angle_types[tag].m = float(line[1]) s.angle_types[tag].r1 = float(line[2]) s.angle_types[tag].r2 = float(line[3]) verbose_print('read "%s" angle (bond-bond) ' 'parameters for %s AngleTypes' % (angle_style, s.angle_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'BondAngle': next(f) for i in range(nangle_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.angle_types[tag].n1 = float(line[1]) s.angle_types[tag].n2 = float(line[2]) s.angle_types[tag].r1 = float(line[3]) s.angle_types[tag].r2 = float(line[4]) if angle_style: verbose_print('read "%s" angle (bond-angle) ' 'parameters for %s AngleTypes' % (angle_style, s.angle_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Dihedral': next(f) for i in range(ndihedral_types): line = next(f) if not dihedral_style: warning_print('unknown dihedral_style - infering from number of parameters (3=harmonic 6=class2 [7, 10]=fourier)') dihedral_style = DihedralType.guess_style( len(line.split('#')[0].split()[1:]) ) if dihedral_style: dt = DihedralType.parse_lammps(line, dihedral_style) s.dihedral_types.add(dt) verbose_print('read "%s" dihedral parameters ' 'for %s DihedralTypes' % (dihedral_style, s.dihedral_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'MiddleBondTorsion': next(f) for i in range(ndihedral_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.dihedral_types[tag].a1 = float(line[1]) s.dihedral_types[tag].a2 = float(line[2]) s.dihedral_types[tag].a3 = float(line[3]) s.dihedral_types[tag].r2 = float(line[4]) if dihedral_style: verbose_print('read "%s" dihedral ' '(middle-bond-torsion parameters for ' '%s DihedralTypes' % (dihedral_style, ndihedral_types)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'EndBondTorsion': next(f) for i in range(ndihedral_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.dihedral_types[tag].b1 = float(line[1]) s.dihedral_types[tag].b2 = float(line[2]) s.dihedral_types[tag].b3 = float(line[3]) s.dihedral_types[tag].c1 = float(line[4]) s.dihedral_types[tag].c2 = float(line[5]) s.dihedral_types[tag].c3 = float(line[6]) s.dihedral_types[tag].r1 = float(line[7]) s.dihedral_types[tag].r3 = float(line[8]) if dihedral_style: verbose_print('read "%s" dihedral ' '(end-bond-torsion parameters for ' '%s DihedralTypes' % (dihedral_style, ndihedral_types)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'AngleTorsion': next(f) for i in range(ndihedral_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.dihedral_types[tag].d1 = float(line[1]) s.dihedral_types[tag].d2 = float(line[2]) s.dihedral_types[tag].d3 = float(line[3]) s.dihedral_types[tag].e1 = float(line[4]) s.dihedral_types[tag].e2 = float(line[5]) s.dihedral_types[tag].e3 = float(line[6]) s.dihedral_types[tag].theta1 = float(line[7]) s.dihedral_types[tag].theta2 = float(line[8]) if dihedral_style: verbose_print('read "%s" dihedral ' '(angle-torsion parameters for ' '%s DihedralTypes' % (dihedral_style, ndihedral_types)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'AngleAngleTorsion': next(f) for i in range(ndihedral_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.dihedral_types[tag].m = float(line[1]) s.dihedral_types[tag].theta1 = float(line[2]) s.dihedral_types[tag].theta2 = float(line[3]) if dihedral_style: verbose_print('read "%s" dihedral ' '(angle-angle-torsion parameters for ' '%s DihedralTypes' % (dihedral_style, ndihedral_types)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'BondBond13': next(f) for i in range(ndihedral_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.dihedral_types[tag].n = float(line[1]) s.dihedral_types[tag].r1 = float(line[2]) s.dihedral_types[tag].r3 = float(line[3]) if dihedral_style: verbose_print('read "%s" dihedral ' '(bond-bond-1-3 parameters for ' '%s DihedralTypes' % (dihedral_style, ndihedral_types)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Improper': next(f) for i in range(nimproper_types): line = next(f) if not improper_style: warning_print('unknown improper_style - infering from number of parameters (3=cvff)') improper_style = ImproperType.guess_style( len(line.split('#')[0].split()[1:]) ) if improper_style.startswith('harmonic') and 'class2' in [bond_style, angle_style, dihedral_style]: improper_style = 'class2' if improper_style: s.improper_types.add(ImproperType.parse_lammps(line, improper_style)) verbose_print('read "%s" improper parameters ' 'for %s ImproperTypes' % (improper_style, s.improper_types.count)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'AngleAngle': improper_style = 'class2' next(f) for i in range(nimproper_types): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) s.improper_types[tag].m1 = float(line[1]) s.improper_types[tag].m2 = float(line[2]) s.improper_types[tag].m3 = float(line[3]) s.improper_types[tag].theta1 = float(line[4]) s.improper_types[tag].theta2 = float(line[5]) s.improper_types[tag].theta3 = float(line[6]) if improper_style: verbose_print('read "%s" improper ' '(angle-angle parameters for ' '%s ImproperTypes' % (improper_style, nimproper_types)) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Atoms': next(f) for i in range(nparticles): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) if not atom_style: if len(line) == 7: atom_style = 'full' elif len(line) == 6: try: int(line[2]) atom_style = 'molecular' except: atom_style = 'charge' else: warning_print('cannot determine atom_style; assuming atom_style "full"') atom_style = 'full' if atom_style == 'full': d_ = {'tag': tag, 'molecule': int(line[1]), 'type': int(line[2]), 'charge': float(line[3]), 'x': float(line[4]), 'y': float(line[5]), 'z': float(line[6])} elif atom_style == 'charge': d_ = {'tag': tag, 'molecule': 0, 'type': int(line[1]), 'charge': float(line[2]), 'x': float(line[3]), 'y': float(line[4]), 'z': float(line[5])} elif atom_style == 'molecular': d_ = {'tag': tag, 'molecule': int(line[1]), 'type': int(line[2]), 'charge': 0., 'x': float(line[3]), 'y': float(line[4]), 'z': float(line[5])} if s.particles[tag]: p = s.particles[tag] p.set(**d_) else: p = Particle(vx=0., vy=0., vz=0., **d_) s.particles.add(p) p.frac_x = p.x / s.dim.dx p.frac_y = p.y / s.dim.dy p.frac_z = p.z / if not quiet: verbose_print('read %s particles' % nparticles) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Velocities': next(f) for i in range(nparticles): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) if s.particles[tag]: p = s.particles[tag] d_ = {'vx': float(line[1]), 'vy': float(line[2]), 'vz': float(line[3])} p.set(**d_) else: p = Particle(tag=tag, vx=float(line[1]), vy=float(line[2]), vz=float(line[3])) s.particles.add(p) if not quiet: verbose_print('read velocities for %s particles' % nparticles) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Bonds': next(f) for i in range(nbonds): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) b = Bond(tag=tag, type=int(line[1]), a=int(line[2]), b=int(line[3])) s.bonds.add(b) if not quiet: verbose_print('read %s bonds' % nbonds) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Angles': next(f) for i in range(nangles): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) a = Angle(tag=tag, type=int(line[1]), a=int(line[2]), b=int(line[3]), c=int(line[4])) s.angles.add(a) if not quiet: verbose_print('read %s angles' % nangles) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Dihedrals': next(f) for i in range(ndihedrals): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) d = Dihedral(tag=tag, type=int(line[1]), a=int(line[2]), b=int(line[3]), c=int(line[4]), d=int(line[5])) s.dihedrals.add(d) if not quiet: verbose_print('read %s dihedrals' % ndihedrals) elif len(line) > 0 and line[0] == 'Impropers': next(f) for i in range(nimpropers): line = next(f).strip().split() tag = int(line[0]) if (s.ff_class == '2' or improper_style == 'class2' or (s.improper_types[1] and s.improper_types[1].m1 is not None)): s.impropers.add(Improper(tag=tag, type=int(line[1]), a=int(line[3]), b=int(line[2]), c=int(line[4]), d=int(line[5]))) else: s.impropers.add(Improper(tag=tag, type=int(line[1]), a=int(line[2]), b=int(line[3]), c=int(line[4]), d=int(line[5]))) if not quiet: verbose_print('read %s impropers' % nimpropers) f.close() s.atom_style = atom_style s.pair_style = pair_style s.bond_style = bond_style s.angle_style = angle_style s.dihedral_style = dihedral_style if improper_style: s.improper_style = improper_style elif not improper_style and s.impropers.count > 1: if not quiet: verbose_print('improper style not set explicitly ' 'but impropers exist in system, guessing style ' 'based on other forcefield styles...') if (s.bond_style.startswith('harm') or s.angle_style.startswith('harm') or s.dihedral_style.startswith('harm')): improper_style = 'harmonic' s.improper_style = 'harmonic' elif (s.bond_style.startswith('class2') or s.angle_style.startswith('class2') or s.dihedral_style.startswith('class2')): improper_style = 'class2' s.improper_style = 'class2' if s.improper_style: if not quiet: verbose_print('setting improper style to "%s", ' 'if this is incorrect try explicitly setting ' 'improper_style as argument in ' 'pysimm.system.read_lammps' % improper_style) else: if not quiet: error_print('still cannot determine improper style...') if pair_style and pair_style.startswith('lj'): if ((s.bond_style and s.bond_style.startswith('class2')) or (s.angle_style and s.angle_style.startswith('class2')) or (s.dihedral_style and s.dihedral_style.startswith('class2'))): s.pair_style = 'class2' styles = [s.pair_style, s.bond_style, s.angle_style, s.dihedral_style, s.improper_style] if 'class2' in styles: s.ff_class = '2' else: s.ff_class = '1' if 'harmonic' in styles and 'class2' in styles: if not quiet: warning_print('it appears there is a mixture of class1 and class2 ' 'forcefield styles in your system...this is usually ' 'unadvised') if set_types: s.objectify() for pt in s.particle_types: if and'@') >= 0: if'@')[-1][0].upper() in ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'S']: pt.elem ='@')[-1][0].upper() if and[0] == 'L' and[1] != 'i': pt.elem =[1].upper() elif pt.elem =[0:2] if[1:3] == 'Na': pt.elem = 'Na' if[0].upper() in ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'S']: pt.elem =[0].upper() for p in s.particles: if isinstance(p.type, ParticleType) and and'@') >= 0: if[0].upper() == 'H': p.linker = 'head' elif[0].upper() == 'T': p.linker = 'tail' elif[0].upper() == 'L': p.linker = True if s.objectified: s.set_cog() s.set_mass() s.set_volume() s.set_density() s.set_velocity() return s
[docs]def read_pubchem_smiles(smiles, quiet=False, type_with=None): """pysimm.system.read_pubchem_smiles Interface with pubchem restful API to create molecular system from SMILES format Args: smiles: smiles formatted string of molecule type_with: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object to type with default=None Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ req = ('' 'rest/pug/compound/smiles/%s/SDF/?record_type=3d' % smiles) if not quiet: print('making request to pubchem RESTful API:') print(req) try: resp = urlopen(req) return read_mol('utf-8'), type_with=type_with) except (HTTPError, URLError): print('Could not retrieve pubchem entry for smiles %s' % smiles)
[docs]def read_pubchem_cid(cid, type_with=None): """pysimm.system.read_pubchem_smiles Interface with pubchem restful API to create molecular system from SMILES format Args: smiles: smiles formatted string of molecule type_with: :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object to type with default=None Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ req = ('{}/SDF/?record_type=3d'.format(cid)) print('making request to pubchem RESTful API:') print(req) try: resp = urlopen(req) return read_mol('utf-8'), type_with=type_with) except (HTTPError, URLError): print('Could not retrieve pubchem entry for cid %s' % cid)
[docs]def read_cml(cml_file, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.read_cml Interprets cml file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: cml_file: cml file name linkers (optional): if True, use spinMultiplicity to determine linker default=None Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ linkers = kwargs.get('linkers') if os.path.isfile(cml_file): debug_print('reading file') iter_parse = Et.iterparse(cml_file) elif isinstance(cml_file, str): debug_print('reading string') iter_parse = Et.iterparse(StringIO(cml_file)) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_cml requires a file as argument') for _, el in iter_parse: if '}' in el.tag: el.tag = el.tag.split('}', 1)[1] root = iter_parse.root s = System(name='read using pysimm.system.read_cml') particles = root.find('atomArray') bonds = root.find('bondArray') for p_ in particles: tag = int(p_.attrib['id'].replace('a', '').replace(',', '')) elem = p_.attrib['elementType'] x = float(p_.attrib['x3']) y = float(p_.attrib['y3']) z = float(p_.attrib['z3']) if linkers: linker = True if p_.attrib.get('spinMultiplicity') else None else: linker = None p = Particle(tag=tag, elem=elem, x=x, y=y, z=z, charge=0, molecule=1, linker=linker) s.particles.add(p) for b_ in bonds: a, b = b_.attrib['atomRefs2'].split() a = int(a.replace('a', '').replace(',', '')) b = int(b.replace('a', '').replace(',', '')) order = b_.attrib['order'] if order == 'A': order = 4 else: order = int(order) b = Bond(a=a, b=b, order=order) s.bonds.add(b) s.objectify() return s
[docs]def read_mol(mol_file, type_with=None, version='V2000'): """pysimm.system.read_mol Interprets mol file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: mol_file: mol file name f (optional): :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object to get data from version: version of mol file to expect default='V2000' Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ if os.path.isfile(mol_file): debug_print('reading file') f = open(mol_file) elif isinstance(mol_file, str): debug_print('reading string') f = StringIO(mol_file) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_mol requires either ' 'file or string as argument') s = System(name='read using pysimm.system.read_mol') for n in range(3): next(f) line = next(f) nparticles = int(line.split()[0]) nbonds = int(line.split()[1]) if len(line.split()) >= 3: version = line.split()[-1] if version == 'V2000': for n in range(nparticles): line = next(f) x, y, z, elem, something, charge = line.split()[:6] p = Particle(x=float(x), y=float(y), z=float(z), molecule=1, elem=elem, charge=float(charge)) s.particles.add(p) if p.elem[0] == 'L': p.linker = True p.elem = p.elem[1:] elif p.charge == 5: p.linker = True p.charge = 0 for n in range(nbonds): line = next(f) a, b, order = map(int, line.split()[:3]) new_bond = s.bonds.add(Bond(a=a, b=b, order=order)) elif version == 'V3000': next(f) line = next(f) nparticles = int(line.split()[3]) nbonds = int(line.split()[4]) next(f) for n in range(nparticles): line = next(f) id_, elem, x, y, z, charge = line.split()[2:8] p = Particle(x=float(x), y=float(y), z=float(z), molecule=1, elem=elem, charge=float(charge)) s.particles.add(p) next(f) next(f) for n in range(nbonds): line = next(f) id_, order, a, b = map(int, line.split()[2:6]) s.bonds.add(Bond(a=a, b=b, order=order)) s.objectify() if type_with: try: s.apply_forcefield(type_with) except Exception: print('forcefield typing with forcefield %s unsuccessful' % return s
[docs]def read_mol2(mol2_file, type_with=None): """pysimm.system.read_mol2 Interprets .mol2 file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: mol_file2: a full name (including path) of a Tripos Mol2 text file type_with (optional): :class:`~pysimm.forcefield.Forcefield` object to use for attempt to assighn forcefield parameters to the system Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ if os.path.isfile(mol2_file): debug_print('reading file') f = open(mol2_file) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_mol2 requires a path to .mol2 file') s = System(name='read using pysimm.system.read_mol2') ref_tag = '@<TRIPOS>' stream = tags = list(map(lambda x: x.lower(), re.findall('(?<=' + ref_tag + ').*', stream))) data = re.split(ref_tag, stream) # reading molecule related info segm = data[tags.index('molecule') + 1] lines = segm.split('\n') tmp = lines[2].split() nparticles = int(tmp[0]) if len(tmp) > 1: nbonds = int(tmp[1]) # reading atom related info segm = data[tags.index('atom') + 1] lines = segm.split('\n') for l in lines: tmp = l.split() if len(tmp) > 8: s.particles.add(Particle(tag=int(tmp[0]), elem=tmp[1][0], charge=float(tmp[8]), molecule=1, x=float(tmp[2]), y=float(tmp[3]), z=float(tmp[4]))) segm = data[tags.index('bond') + 1] lines = segm.split('\n') for l in lines: tmp = l.split() if len(tmp) > 3: tmp = l.split() val = re.findall('[123]', tmp[3]) if len(val) > 0: ordnung = int(val[0]) elif tmp[3].lower() in ['am', 'du']: ordnung = 1 elif tmp[3].lower() == 'ar': ordnung = 'A' else: ordnung = None s.bonds.add(Bond(tag=int(tmp[0]), a=int(tmp[1]), b=int(tmp[2]), order=ordnung)) s.objectify() if type_with: try: s.apply_forcefield(type_with) except Exception: print('forcefield typing with forcefield {} unsuccessful'.format( return s
[docs]def read_prepc(prec_file): """pysimm.system.read_prepc Interprets prepc file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: prepc_file: ac file name Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ if os.path.isfile(prec_file): debug_print('reading file') f = open(prec_file) elif isinstance(prec_file, str): debug_print('reading string') f = StringIO(prec_file) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_prepc requires either ' 'file or string as argument') s = System(name='read using pysimm.system.read_prepc') for line in f: for _ in range(10): line = next(f) while line.split(): tag = int(line.split()[0]) name = line.split()[1] type_name = line.split()[2] x = float(line.split()[4]) y = float(line.split()[5]) z = float(line.split()[6]) charge = float(line.split()[7]) elem = type_name[0] p = Particle(tag=tag, name=name, type_name=type_name, x=x, y=y, z=z, elem=elem, charge=charge) if not s.particles[tag]: s.particles.add(p) line = next(f) break f.close() return s
[docs]def read_ac(ac_file): """pysimm.system.read_ac Interprets ac file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: ac_file: ac file name Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ if os.path.isfile(ac_file): debug_print('reading file') f = open(ac_file) elif isinstance(ac_file, str): debug_print('reading string') f = StringIO(ac_file) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_ac requires either ' 'file or string as argument') s = System(name='read using pysimm.system.read_ac') for line in f: if line.startswith('ATOM'): tag = int(line.split()[1]) name = line.split()[2] resname = line.split()[3] resid = line.split()[4] x = float(line.split()[5]) y = float(line.split()[6]) z = float(line.split()[7]) charge = float(line.split()[8]) type_name = line.split()[9] elem = type_name[0] p = Particle(tag=tag, name=name, type_name=type_name, resname=resname, resid=resid, x=x, y=y, z=z, elem=elem, charge=charge) if not s.particles[tag]: s.particles.add(p) if line.startswith('BOND'): tag = int(line.split()[1]) a = s.particles[int(line.split()[2])] b = s.particles[int(line.split()[3])] b = Bond(tag=tag, a=a, b=b) if not s.bonds[tag]: s.bonds.add(b) f.close() return s
[docs]def read_pdb(pdb_file, str_file=None, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.read_pdb Interprets pdb file and creates :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object Args: pdb_file: pdb file name Keyword Args: str_file: (str) optional CHARMM topology (stream) file which can be used as source of charges and description of bonded topology use_ptypes: (bool) flag to either use the forcefield atom type names from the .str file or not Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object """ if os.path.isfile(pdb_file): debug_print('reading file') f = open(pdb_file) elif isinstance(pdb_file, str): debug_print('reading string') f = StringIO(pdb_file) else: raise PysimmError('pysimm.system.read_pdb requires either ' 'file or string as argument') s = System(name='read using pysimm.system.read_pdb') read_types = kwargs.get('use_ptypes', False) for line in f: if line.startswith('ATOM') or line.startswith('HETATM'): tag = int(line[6:11].strip()) name = line[12:16].strip() resname = line[17:20].strip() chainid = line[21] resid = line[22:26].strip() x = float(line[30:38].strip()) y = float(line[38:46].strip()) z = float(line[46:54].strip()) elem = line[76:78].strip() if len(elem) < 1: if len(name) > 0: elem = re.split('\d+?', name)[0] p = Particle(tag=tag, name=name, resname=resname, chainid=chainid, resid=resid, x=x, y=y, z=z, elem=elem, molecule=1) if not s.particles[tag]: s.particles.add(p) bnd_id = 1 duplets = set() for line in f: if line.startswith('CONECT'): curr_tag = int(line[6:11].strip()) other_tags = list(map(int, line[11:].split())) for ot in other_tags: rec = tuple(sorted([curr_tag, ot])) if rec not in duplets: s.bonds.add(Bond(tag=bnd_id, a=curr_tag, b=ot)) bnd_id += 1 duplets.add(rec) f.close() if str_file: if os.path.isfile(str_file): debug_print('read_pdb: reading file \'{}\''.format(str_file)) f = open(str_file) stream = for p in s.particles: partcl_line = re.findall('(?<=ATOM {}).*'.format(, stream) if len(partcl_line) > 0: tmp = partcl_line[0].split() p.charge = float(tmp[1]) if read_types: p.type_name = tmp[0] pt_names = { p.tag for p in s.particles} bond_records = re.findall('(?<=BOND ).*', stream) if bnd_id == 1: for bnd_id,bndr in enumerate(bond_records): tmp = bndr.split() s.bonds.add(Bond(tag=bnd_id, a=pt_names[tmp[0]], b=pt_names[tmp[1]])) f.close() else: debug_print('read_pdb: got parameters file argument, but file does not exist') s.objectify() s.set_box(padding=0.5) return s
[docs]def compare(s1, s2): print('Particle Types:\n') for pt in s1.particle_types: s2_pt = s2.particle_types.get( if s2_pt and len(s2_pt) == 1: s2_pt = s2_pt[0] print('%s\n%s\n' % (vars(pt), vars(s2_pt))) print('\n\nBond Types:\n') for bt in s1.bond_types: s2_bt = s2.bond_types.get( if s2_bt and len(s2_bt) == 1: s2_bt = s2_bt[0] print('%s\n%s\n' % (vars(bt), vars(s2_bt))) print('\n\nAngle Types:\n') for at in s1.angle_types: s2_at = s2.angle_types.get( if s2_at and len(s2_at) == 1: s2_at = s2_at[0] print('%s\n%s\n' % (vars(at), vars(s2_at))) print('\n\nDihedral Types:\n') for dt in s1.dihedral_types: s2_dt = s2.dihedral_types.get( if s2_dt and len(s2_dt) == 1: s2_dt = s2_dt[0] print('%s\n%s\n' % (vars(dt), vars(s2_dt))) print('\n\nImproper Types:\n') for it in s1.improper_types: s2_it = s2.improper_types.get( if s2_it and len(s2_it) == 1: s2_it = s2_it[0] print('%s\n%s\n' % (vars(it), vars(s2_it)))
[docs]def get_types(*arg, **kwargs): """pysimm.system.get_types Get unique type names from list of systems Args: write (optional): if True, write types dictionary to filename Returns: (ptypes, btypes, atypes, dtypes, itypes) *** for use with update_types *** """ write = kwargs.get('write') ptypes = ItemContainer() btypes = ItemContainer() atypes = ItemContainer() dtypes = ItemContainer() itypes = ItemContainer() for s in arg: for t in s.particle_types: if and not in [ for x in ptypes]: ptypes.add(t.copy()) for t in s.bond_types: if and not in [ for x in btypes]: btypes.add(t.copy()) for t in s.angle_types: if and not in [ for x in atypes]: atypes.add(t.copy()) for t in s.dihedral_types: if and not in [ for x in dtypes]: dtypes.add(t.copy()) for t in s.improper_types: if and not in [ for x in itypes]: itypes.add(t.copy()) if write: t_file = open('types.txt', 'w+') if ptypes.count > 0: t_file.write('atom types\n') for t in ptypes: t_file.write('%s %s\n' % (t.tag, if btypes.count > 0: t_file.write('\nbond types\n') for t in btypes: t_file.write('%s %s\n' % (t.tag, if atypes.count > 0: t_file.write('\nangle types\n') for t in atypes: t_file.write('%s %s\n' % (t.tag, if dtypes.count > 0: t_file.write('\ndihedral types\n') for t in dtypes: t_file.write('%s %s\n' % (t.tag, if itypes.count > 0: t_file.write('\nimproper types\n') for t in itypes: t_file.write('%s %s\n' % (t.tag, t_file.close() return ptypes, btypes, atypes, dtypes, itypes
[docs]def distance_to_origin(p): """pysimm.system.distance_to_origin Calculates distance of particle to origin. Args: p: Particle object with x, y, and z attributes Returns: Distance of particle to origin """ return sqrt(pow(p.x, 2) + pow(p.y, 2) + pow(p.z, 2))
[docs]def replicate(ref, nrep, s_=None, density=0.3, rand=True, print_insertions=True): """pysimm.system.replicate Replicates list of :class:`~pysimm.system.System` objects into new (or exisintg) :class:`~pysimm.system.System`. Can be random insertion. Args: ref: reference :class:`~pysimm.system.System`(s) (this can be a list) nrep: number of insertions to perform (can be list but must match length of ref) s_: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` into which insertions will be performed default=None density: density of new :class:`~pysimm.system.System` default=0.3 (set to None to not change box) rand: if True, random insertion is performed print_insertions: if True, update screen with number of insertions """ if not isinstance(ref, list): ref = [ref] if not isinstance(nrep, list): nrep = [nrep] assert len(ref) == len(nrep) if s_ is None: s_ = System() s_.ff_class = ref[0].ff_class s_.forcefield = ref[0].forcefield s_.pair_style = ref[0].pair_style s_.bond_style = ref[0].bond_style s_.angle_style = ref[0].angle_style s_.dihedral_style = ref[0].dihedral_style s_.improper_style = ref[0].improper_style for r in ref: r.set_mass()'particles', [0, 0, 0], True) r.r = 0 for p in r.particles: r.r = max(r.r, distance_to_origin(p)) s_.molecule_types.add(r) mass = 0 for i, r in enumerate(ref): mass += r.mass * nrep[i] mass /= 6.02e23 if density: volume = float(mass) / density boxl = pow(volume, 1 / 3.) * 1e8 s_.dim.xlo = -1. * boxl / 2. s_.dim.xhi = boxl / 2. s_.dim.ylo = -1. * boxl / 2. s_.dim.yhi = boxl / 2. s_.dim.zlo = -1. * boxl / 2. s_.dim.zhi = boxl / 2. num = 0 for j, r in enumerate(ref): for n in range(nrep[j]): if rand: rotate_x = random() * 2 * pi rotate_y = random() * 2 * pi rotate_z = random() * 2 * pi dx = s_.dim.xhi - s_.dim.xlo dx = (-dx / 2. + r.r) + random() * (dx - 2 * r.r) dy = s_.dim.yhi - s_.dim.ylo dy = (-dy / 2. + r.r) + random() * (dy - 2 * r.r) dz = s_.dim.zhi - s_.dim.zlo dz = (-dz / 2. + r.r) + random() * (dz - 2 * r.r) r_ = r.copy(rotate_x=rotate_x, rotate_y=rotate_y, rotate_z=rotate_z, dx=dx, dy=dy, dz=dz) else: r_ = r.copy() s_.add(r_, change_dim=False, update_properties=False) num += 1 if print_insertions: verbose_print('Molecule %s inserted' % num) s_.set_density() s_.set_cog() s_.set_velocity() return s_