Source code for pysimm.forcefield.charmm

# ******************************************************************************
# pysimm.forcefield.charmm module
# ******************************************************************************
# ******************************************************************************
# License
# ******************************************************************************
# The MIT License (MIT)
# Copyright (c) 2020
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import json
import os
import re
import sys
from itertools import permutations

import numpy

from . import gasteiger
from .. import error_print, verbose_print, debug_print
from ..system import Angle, Dihedral, Improper, ParticleType
from ..system import BondType, AngleType
from .forcefield import Forcefield
from ..utils import ItemContainer

[docs]class Charmm(Forcefield): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm Forcefield object with typing rules for CHARMM model. By default reads data file in forcefields subdirectory. Attributes: ff_name: charmm pair_style: lj/charmm ff_class: 1 """ def __init__(self, db_file=None): if not db_file and db_file is not False: db_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) ), os.pardir, 'data', 'forcefields', 'charmm.json' ) Forcefield.__init__(self, db_file) with open(db_file) as f: j = json.loads( self.nbfix_types = ItemContainer() for elem in j.get('nbfix_types'): self.nbfix_types.add(ParticleType(**elem)) = 'charmm' self.pair_style = 'lj/charmm' self.bond_style = 'harmonic' self.angle_style = 'charmm' self.dihedral_style = 'fourier' self.improper_style = 'harmonic' self.ff_class = '1'
[docs] def assign_ptypes(self, s): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_ptypes Charmm specific particle typing rules. Requires :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects have bonds defined. *** use System.add_particle_bonding() to ensure this *** *** Not entirely inclusive - some atom types not used *** Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Returns: None """ s.pair_style = self.pair_style s.add_particle_bonding() for b in s.bonds: if not b.order: b.order = 1 for p in s.particles: p.bond_orders = [x.order for x in p.bonds] if None in p.bond_orders: error_print('error: bond orders are not set') p.bond_elements = [x.a.elem if p is x.b else x.b.elem for x in p.bonds] p.nbonds = len(p.bond_elements) if p.linker: p.nbonds += 1 for p in s.particles: if not p.type_name: if p.elem == 'C': # Some general definition of an -sp3 carbons if (all(p.bond_orders) == 1) and (p.nbonds == 4): n_partcls = [p_ for p_ in p.bonded_to if p_.elem == 'N'] if len(n_partcls) > 0 and (n_partcls[0].nbonds == 4) and (set(n_partcls[0].bond_elements) == {'C'}): p.type_name = 'CG324' else: rng_count = __detect_rings__(p, [5, 6]) if rng_count == 0: # Linear sp3 carbon hcount = p.bond_elements.count('H') p.type_name = 'CG3{}1'.format(hcount) elif rng_count > 0 : # tetrahydrofuran (THF) or tetrahydropyran (THP) p.type_name = 'CG3C52'.format(rng_count) if ('A' in p.bond_orders) or (4 in p.bond_orders): p.type_name = 'CG2R61' if (p.nbonds == 3): # carbonyl C condition if set(p.bond_elements) == {'O', 'C', 'N'}: # in amide p.type_name = 'CG2O1' if p.bond_elements.count('O') == 2: # carbonyl C in esters or acids tmp_part = [sb_p for sb_p in p.bonded_to if (sb_p.elem == 'O') and sb_p.nbonds == 2] if len(tmp_part) > 0: # deprotonated p.type_name = 'CG2O2' else: # protonated p.type_name = 'CG2O3' if set(p.bond_elements) == {'O', 'C', 'H'}: # carbonyl C in aldehyde p.type_name = 'CG2O4' if (p.bond_elements.count('O') == 1) and (p.bond_elements.count('C') == 2): # in ketones p.type_name = 'CG2O5' elif p.elem == 'O': if (p.nbonds == 2) and (all(p.bond_orders) == 1): # ethers, esters if p.bond_elements.count('C') == 2: is_ester = False for p_ in p.bonded_to: if (p_.bond_elements.count('O') == 2) and (p_.nbonds == 3): is_ester = True if is_ester: p.type_name = 'OG302' else: p.type_name = 'OG301' rng_count = __detect_rings__(p, [5, 6]) if rng_count > 0: p.type_name = 'OG3C{}1'.format(rng_count) if (p.nbonds == 1) and ('C' in p.bond_elements): # sp2 oxygen p_ = [t for t in p.bonded_to][0] if set(p_.bond_elements) == {'O', 'C', 'N'}: # in amide p.type_name = 'OG2D1' if p_.bond_elements.count('O') == 2: # in acids tmp_part = [sb_p for sb_p in p_.bonded_to if (sb_p.elem == 'O') and sb_p.nbonds == 2] if len(tmp_part) > 0: p.type_name = 'OG2D1' else: p.type_name = 'OG2D2' if p_.bond_elements.count('C') == 2: # in ketones p.type_name = 'OG2D3' if ('S' in p.bond_elements) or ('P' in p.bond_elements): # phosphate or sulfate p.type_name = 'OG2P1' if (p.nbonds == 2) and (set(p.bond_elements) == {'C', 'H'}): p_ = [t for t in p.bonded_to if t.elem != 'H'][0] if p_.bond_elements.count('O') == 2: # in acids p.type_name = 'OG2D1' if p_.bond_elements.count('O') == 1: # hydroxyl oxygen p.type_name = 'OG311' if(p.nbonds == 2) and all([t == 'H' for t in p.bond_elements]): # water oxygen p.type_name = 'OT' for sb_p in p.bonded_to: # type all hydrogens connected to this atom if sb_p.elem == 'H': sb_p.type_name = 'HT' elif p.elem == 'N': if (p.nbonds == 1) and ('C' in p.bond_elements): # nitrile (or cyano) group p.type_name = 'NG1T1' if (p.nbonds == 3) and (set(p.bond_elements) == {'H', 'N'}): # hydrazine p.type_name = 'NG3N1' if (p.nbonds == 3) and ('C' in p.bond_elements): # amide p.type_name = 'NG2S{}'.format(p.bond_elements.count('H')) if (p.nbonds == 4): p.type_name = 'NG3P{}'.format(p.bond_elements.count('H')) elif p.elem == 'H': if p.bond_elements[0] == 'N': p.type_name = 'HGP1' if p.bond_elements[0] == 'O': p.type_name = 'HGP1' if p.bond_elements[0] == 'C': host = [p_ for p_ in p.bonded_to][0] nitrogen = [p_ for p_ in host.bonded_to if p_.elem == 'N'] if len(nitrogen) > 0 and (nitrogen[0].nbonds == 4): p.type_name = 'HGP5' else: if ('A' in host.bond_orders) or (4 in host.bond_orders): p.type_name = 'HGR61' else: hcount = [pt for pt in p.bonded_to][0].bond_elements.count('H') p.type_name = 'HGA{}'.format(hcount) elif p.elem == 'S': if p.nbonds == 4: p.type_name = 'SG3O{}'.format(4 - p.bond_elements.count('O')) else: print('cant type particle %s' % p.tag) return p all_types = set() for p in s.particles: tmp = self.particle_types.get(p.type_name) if len(tmp) > 0: all_types.add(tmp[0]) else: debug_print('Current version of CHARMM-FF database file does not contain \'{}\' particle type'.format(p.type_name)) for pt in all_types: s.particle_types.add(pt.copy()) for p in s.particles: pt = s.particle_types.get(p.type_name) if pt: p.type = pt[0] self.assign_extra_ljtypes(s)
[docs] def assign_extra_ljtypes(self, s): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_extra_ljtypes Addition to normal force field setup: filling up the non-diagonal interaction pair coefficients (coefficients for interaction of particles of different type). Assumes that all :class:`~pysimm.system.ParticleType` are defined for all particles in s Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Returns: None """ loc_lj_types = set() for p in s.particle_types: for p_ in s.particle_types: if p != p_: atm_type = tuple(sorted([p.tag, p_.tag])) if not(atm_type in [at.atm_types for at in loc_lj_types]): tmp = self.nbfix_types.get(','.join([,])) if len(tmp) > 0: to_add = tmp[0].copy() to_add.atm_types = atm_type loc_lj_types.add(to_add) if not s.nbfix_types: s.nbfix_types = ItemContainer() for ljt in loc_lj_types: if not s.nbfix_types.get( s.nbfix_types.add(ljt)
[docs] def assign_btypes(self, s): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_btypes Gaff specific bond typing rules. Requires :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects have bonds, type and defined. *** use after assign_ptypes *** Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Returns: None """ all_types = set() s.bond_style = self.bond_style for b in s.bonds: bt = self.bond_types.get('%s,%s' % (, if bt: b.type_name = bt[0].name else: print('couldnt type this bond %s,%s' % (, return b all_types.add(self.bond_types.get(b.type_name)[0]) for bt in all_types: bt = bt.copy() s.bond_types.add(bt) for b in s.bonds: bt = s.bond_types.get(b.type_name) if bt: b.type = bt[0]
[docs] def assign_atypes(self, s): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_atypes Gaff specific boanglend typing rules. Requires :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects have bonds, type and defined. *** use after assign_ptypes *** Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Returns: None """ all_types = set() s.angle_style = self.angle_style s.add_particle_bonding() for p in s.particles: for p1 in p.bonded_to: for p2 in p.bonded_to: if p1 is not p2: unique = True for a in s.angles: if ((a.a is p1 and a.b is p and a.c is p2) or (a.a is p2 and a.b is p and a.c is p1)): unique = False if unique: at = self.angle_types.get('%s,%s,%s' % (,, if at: s.angles.add(Angle(type_name=at[0].name, a=p1, b=p, c=p2)) all_types.add(at[0]) else: print('I cant type this angle %s,%s,%s' % (,, for at in all_types: at = at.copy() s.angle_types.add(at) for a in s.angles: at = s.angle_types.get(a.type_name) if at: a.type = at[0]
[docs] def assign_dtypes(self, s): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_dtypes CHARMM specific dihedral typing rules. Requires :class:`~pysimm.system.System` object :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` objects have bonds, type and defined. *** use after assign_ptypes *** Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Returns: None """ all_types = set() s.dihedral_style = self.dihedral_style for b in s.bonds: for p1 in b.a.bonded_to: for p2 in b.b.bonded_to: if p1 is b.b or p2 is b.a: continue unique = True for d in s.dihedrals: if ((d.a == p1 and d.b == b.a and d.c == b.b and d.d == p2) or (d.a == p2 and d.b == b.b and d.c == b.a and d.d == p1)): unique = False if unique: p1_name = a_name = b_name = p2_name = dt = self.dihedral_types.get('%s,%s,%s,%s' % (p1_name, a_name, b_name, p2_name)) if dt: if len(dt) == 1: all_types.add(dt[0]) s.dihedrals.add(Dihedral(type_name=dt[0].name, a=p1, b=b.a, c=b.b, d=p2)) else: index = 0 x = 5 for i in range(len(dt)): if dt[i].name.count('X') < x: index = i x = dt[i].name.count('X') dt = dt[index] all_types.add(dt) s.dihedrals.add(Dihedral(, a=p1, b=b.a, c=b.b, d=p2)) else: print('I cant type this dihedral %s,%s,%s,%s' % (p1_name, a_name, b_name, p2_name)) for dt in all_types: dt = dt.copy() dt.w = 1.0 s.dihedral_types.add(dt) verbose_print('Dihedrals assigned successfully. \nIMPORTANT: all dihedral weighting factors ' '(coefficients to compensate for double counting in rings) are currently set to 1.0.\n' 'If those values are different for your system please multiply corresponding force constants ' 'by the weights manually.\n') for d in s.dihedrals: dt = s.dihedral_types.get(d.type_name, item_wildcard=None) if dt: d.type = dt[0]
[docs] def assign_itypes(self, s): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_itypes Gaff specific improper typing rules. There are none. Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` Returns: None """ all_types = set() s.improper_style = self.improper_style for p in s.particles: if len(p.bonded_to) == 3: for perm in permutations(p.bonded_to, 3): p1_name = perm[0].type.eq_improper or perm[0] p2_name = perm[1].type.eq_improper or perm[1] p3_name = perm[2].type.eq_improper or perm[2] it = self.improper_types.get(','.join([, p1_name, p2_name, p3_name]), order=True) if it: all_types.add(it[0]) bonded_to = p.bonded_to.get('all') s.impropers.add(Improper(type_name=it[0].name, a=p, b=bonded_to[0], c=bonded_to[1], d=bonded_to[2])) break for it in all_types: it = it.copy() s.improper_types.add(it) for i in s.impropers: it = s.improper_types.get(i.type_name) if it: i.type = it[0]
[docs] def assign_charges(self, s, charges='gasteiger'): """pysimm.forcefield.Charmm.assign_charges Charge assignment. Gasteiger is default for now. Args: s: :class:`~pysimm.system.System` charges: gasteiger Returns: None """ if charges == 'gasteiger': verbose_print('adding gasteiger charges') gasteiger.set_charges(s) else: # initialize charges of all particles with zeros for p in s.particles: if not p.charge: p.charge = 0 s.set_charge()
[docs] def __parse_add_file__(self, file): """ Private method to read/convert CHARMM specific FF parameters from the native format (.prm) to add on top of currentely existing library of FF parameters. Will update this ForceField object with data from the file and will write the output 'charmm_mod.json' DB file Args: file: (string) full (absolute or relative) path to an .prm file Returns: none """ headers = ['ATOMS', 'BONDS', 'ANGLES', 'DIHEDRALS', 'IMPROPERS', 'NONBONDED', 'NBFIX'] sigma_conv_mult = 2 / (2 ** (1.0 / 6.0)) with open(file, 'r') as pntr: stream = tmp_h = re.findall('|'.join(['\n' + h for h in headers]), stream) tmp_b = re.split('|'.join(['\n' + h for h in headers]), stream) nbfixes = [] for h,b in zip(tmp_h, tmp_b[1:]): if h.lower == 'atoms': pass if h.strip().lower() == 'bonds': pass if h.strip().lower() == 'angles': pass if h.strip().lower() == 'dihedrals': pass if h.strip().lower() == 'impropers': pass if h.strip().lower() == 'nbfix': lines = b.split('\n') for l in lines: if not l.startswith('!'): l = l.split('!')[0] tmp = l.split() if len(tmp) > 3: if not('nbfix_types' in self.__dict__.keys()): nbfixes.append({'name': ','.join((tmp[0], tmp[1])), 'rname': ','.join((tmp[1], tmp[0])), 'epsilon': abs(float(tmp[2])), 'sigma': sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[3]) }) else: self.nbfix_types.add(ParticleType(name=','.join((tmp[0], tmp[1])), rname=','.join((tmp[1], tmp[0])), epsilon=abs(float(tmp[2])), sigma=sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[3]) )) if h.strip().lower() == 'nonbonded': lines = b.split('\n') for l in lines[2:]: if not l.startswith('!'): l = l.split('!')[0] tmp = l.split() if len(tmp) > 3: db_record = self.particle_types.get(tmp[0].strip()) try: if len(db_record) > 0: verbose_print('The atomtype {} is in the DB and will be overriden'.format(tmp[0])) setattr(db_record[0], 'epsilon', abs(float(tmp[2]))) setattr(db_record[0], 'sigma', sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[3])) if len(tmp) > 5: setattr(db_record[0], 'epsilon_14', abs(float(tmp[5]))) setattr(db_record[0], 'sigma_14', sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[6])) else: if len(tmp) > 5: self.particle_types.add(ParticleType(name=tmp[0].strip(), epsilon=abs(float(tmp[2])), sigma=sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[3]), epsilon_14=abs(float(tmp[5])), sigma_14=sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[6]))) else: self.particle_types.add(ParticleType(name=tmp[0].strip(), epsilon=abs(float(tmp[2])), sigma=sigma_conv_mult * float(tmp[3]))) except ValueError: verbose_print('Seems data line is corrupted continue with the next one...') continue outp_obj = {'angle_types': [], 'improper_types': [], 'bond_types': [], 'particle_types': [], 'dihedral_types': [], 'pair_style': '', 'bond_style': '', 'angle_style': '', 'dihedral_style': '', 'improper_style': ''} for prp in outp_obj.keys(): if type(outp_obj[prp]) == list: tmp = getattr(self, prp)._dict for t in tmp.keys(): outp_obj[prp].append(tmp[t].__dict__) elif type(outp_obj[prp]) == str: outp_obj[prp] = getattr(self, prp) if not ('nbfix_types' in self.__dict__.keys()): outp_obj['nbfix_types'] = nbfixes else: tmp = getattr(self, 'nbfix_types')._dict for t in tmp.keys(): outp_obj['nbfix_types'].append(tmp[t].__dict__) DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'data', 'forcefields', 'charmm') out_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, os.path.pardir, 'charmm_mod.json') with open(out_file, 'w') as pntr: pntr.write(json.dumps(outp_obj, indent=2)) return True
[docs]def __parse_charmm__(): """ Private method to read/convert CHARMM specific FF parameters from the form of GROMACS input format (.atp, .itp) to the PySIMM input format (.json). Note: Because of the format specification, there are no \sigma_{14} or \epsilon_{14} parameters in the file as well as explicit non-diagonal LJ parameters (NBFIXes). They are read from a different file types (see charmm.__parse_add_file__()) Returns: None """ kj2kcal = 4.184 rounding = 8 bnded_lib = 'ffbonded.itp' atmtype_lib = 'atomtypes.atp' nonbnded_lib = 'ffnonbonded.itp' DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'data', 'forcefields', 'charmm') obj = {'angle_types': [], 'improper_types': [], 'bond_types': [], 'particle_types': [], 'dihedral_types': []} # Parsing bonded parameters of the FF try: with open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, bnded_lib), 'r') as f: ff_file = f.readlines() except OSError: error_print('Required library file with CHARMM bonded parametrs \"{:}\" ' 'cannot be opened or read. \nExiting...'.format(bnded_lib)) sys.exit(1) i = 0 curr_type = '' dig_names_check = [] while i < len(ff_file): line = ff_file[i].split() if ff_file[i][0] == '[': curr_type = line[1] if ff_file[i + 1].split()[1] == "'improper'": curr_type = 'impropertypes' i += 1 print(curr_type) i += 1 elif line: try: if curr_type == 'bondtypes': k = round(float(line[4]) / (2 * kj2kcal * 100), rounding) b = round(float(line[3]) * 10, rounding) name = ','.join(line[0:2]) rname = ','.join(reversed(line[0:2])) obj['bond_types'].append({'k': k, 'tag': name, 'r0': b, 'name': name, 'rname': rname}) elif curr_type == 'angletypes': theta0 = round(float(line[4]), rounding) ktheta = round(float(line[5]) / (2 * kj2kcal), rounding) ub0 = round(10 * float(line[6]), rounding) kub = round(float(line[7]) / (2 * kj2kcal), rounding) name = ','.join(line[0:3]) rname = ','.join(reversed(line[0:3])) obj['angle_types'].append( {'theta0': theta0, 'tag': name, 'k': ktheta, 'r_ub': ub0, 'k_ub': kub, 'name': name, 'rname': rname}) elif curr_type == 'impropertypes': k = round(float(line[6]) / (2 * kj2kcal), rounding) x0 = round(float(line[5]), rounding) name = ','.join(line[0:4]) rname = ','.join(reversed(line[0:4])) obj['improper_types'].append({'k': k, 'tag': name, 'x0': x0, 'name': name, 'rname': rname}) elif curr_type == 'dihedraltypes': d = round(float(line[5]), rounding) k = round(float(line[6]) / kj2kcal, rounding) n = int(line[7]) name = ','.join(line[0:4]) rname = ','.join(reversed(line[0:4])) if name not in dig_names_check: obj['dihedral_types'].append({'tag': name, 'd': [d], 'k': [k], 'n': [n], 'm': 1, 'name': name, 'rname': rname}) dig_names_check.append(name) else: to_add = list(filter(lambda fields: fields['name'] == name, obj['dihedral_types']))[0] to_add['d'].append(d) to_add['k'].append(k) to_add['n'].append(n) to_add['m'] += 1 except ValueError: print('improper value at line', i) except IndexError: print('missing value at line', i) i += 1 # Parsing non-bonded parameters of the FF elems_json = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.pardir, 'data', 'elements_by_mass.json') with open(elems_json, 'r') as pntr: elemsDict = json.load(pntr) try: with open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, nonbnded_lib), 'r') as nb_file: try: with open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, atmtype_lib), 'r') as f: atp_data = except OSError: print('Required library file with CHARMM atom types \"{:}\" ' 'cannot be opened or read. \nExiting...'.format(atmtype_lib)) sys.exit(1) fields = ['name', 'epsilon', 'sigma', 'elem', 'tag', 'mass', 'desc'] for line in nb_file: if not (line[0] in [';', '#', '[', '\n']): line = line.strip().split() if len(line) > 6: # checking validity of the description field descr = re.findall('(?<=' + '{:>6} '.format(line[0]) + '[\d| ][\d| ]\d\.\d{5} ; ).*', atp_data) if len(descr) > 0: descr = descr[0] else: descr = '' # checking validity of the element name field elemname = line[1] if len(line[1]) > 0: if int(line[1]) > 0: elemname = elemsDict[line[1]]['symbol'] tmp = [line[0], round(float(re.match('-?\d{1,}\.\d{1,}', line[6]).group(0)) / kj2kcal, rounding), round(10 * float(re.match('-?\d{1,}\.\d{1,}', line[5]).group(0)), rounding), elemname, line[0], float(line[2]), descr] obj['particle_types'].append(dict(zip(fields, tmp))) ''' # Parsing **non-diagonal** non-bonded parameters of the FF obj['nondiagonal_lj'] = [] for line in nb_file: if not (line[0] in [';', '#', '[', '\n']): line = line.strip().split() if len(line) == 5: i_name = line[0].strip() j_name = line[1].strip() obj['nondiagonal_lj'].append({'name': ','.join([i_name, j_name]), 'rname': ','.join([j_name, i_name]), 'epsilon': round(float(line[3]) / kj2kcal, rounding), 'sigma': round(10 * float(line[4]), rounding) }) ''' except OSError: print('Required library file with CHARMM non-bonded parametrs \"{:}\" ' 'cannot be opened or read. \nExiting...'.format(nonbnded_lib)) sys.exit(1) # Adding meta-information about FF styles and creating an output file chrm_type = Charmm() attr = ['pair_style', 'bond_style', 'angle_style', 'dihedral_style', 'improper_style'] obj.update(dict(zip(attr, [getattr(chrm_type, t) for t in attr]))) out_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, os.path.pardir, 'charmm.json') with open(out_file, 'w') as pntr: pntr.write(json.dumps(obj, indent=2))
[docs]def __detect_rings__(particle, orders): """ Private method for analysing whether a given particle is a part of a ring structure Args: particle: :class:`~pysimm.system.Particle` reference orders: list of integers defining size of the rings which should be checked Returns: list of integers subset of orders which defines the sizes of the rings that contain particle; returns 0 if no cyclic structures of size orders are detected """ rng_count = 0 neighb_list = [] ordr_count = 2 to_exclude = {particle} neighb = [] for p in to_exclude: neighb += [x.a if particle is x.b else x.b for x in p.bonds] while ordr_count < max(orders): to_include = [] for p in neighb: to_include += [x.a if particle is x.b else x.b for x in p.bonds] neighb_list.append(set(to_include) - to_exclude) to_exclude = set(neighb) ordr_count += 1 for o in orders: if particle in neighb_list[o - 3]: rng_count = o return rng_count