Source code for pysimm.apps.mc_md

from pysimm import system, lmps, cassandra
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import re
import random
import types

[docs]def mc_md(gas_sst, fixed_sst=None, mcmd_niter=None, sim_folder=None, mc_props=None, md_props=None, **kwargs): """pysimm.apps.mc_md Performs the iterative hybrid Monte-Carlo/Molecular Dynamics (MC/MD) simulations using :class:`~pysimm.lmps` for MD and :class:`~pysimm.cassandra` for MC Args: gas_sst (list of :class:`~pysimm.system.System`) : list items describe a different molecule to be inserted by MC fixed_sst (:class:`~pysimm.system.System`) : fixed during th MC steps group of atoms (default: None) Keyword Args: mcmd_niter (int) : number of MC-MD iterations (default: 10) sim_folder (str): relative path to the folder with all simulation files (default: 'results') mc_props (dictionary) : description of all MC properties needed for simulations (see :class:`~pysimm.cassandra.GCMC` and :class:`~pysimm.cassandra.GCMC.props` for details) md_props (dictionary): description of all Molecular Dynamics settings needed for simulations (see :class:`~pysimm.lmps.Simulation` and :class:`~pysimm.lmps.MolecularDynamics` for details) Returns: :class:`~pysimm.system.System`: Final state of the simulated system """ nonrig_group_name = 'nonrigid_b' rig_group_name = 'rigid_b' n_iter = mcmd_niter or 10 sim_folder = sim_folder or 'results' xyz_fname = os.path.join(sim_folder, '{:}') l = 1 # Creating fixed polymer system fs = None if fixed_sst: if isinstance(fixed_sst, system.System): fs = fixed_sst fs.wrap() else: print('Cannot setup the fixed system for the simulations. Skipping this') # Set the one-molecule gas systems gases = [] if gas_sst: if isinstance(gas_sst, system.System): gases = [gas_sst] elif isinstance(gas_sst, types.ListType): for g in cassandra.make_iterable(gas_sst): if isinstance(g, system.System): gases.append(g) if not gases: print('There are no gas molecules were specified correctely\nThe gas molecules are needed to start the ' 'MC-MD simulations\nExiting...') exit(1) css = cassandra.Cassandra(fixed_sst) # Set the Monte-Carlo properties: mcp = mc_props if mcp: CHEM_POT = cassandra.make_iterable(mcp.get('Chemical_Potential_Info')) if not CHEM_POT: print('Missing chemical potential info\nExiting...') exit(1) else: print('Missing the MC Simulation settings\nExiting...') exit(1) mcp['Start_Type'] = OrderedDict([('species', [1] + [0] * len(CHEM_POT))]) # Set the Molecular-Dynamics properties: sim = None mdp = md_props if not mdp: print('Missing the MD Simulation settings\nExiting...') exit(1) # De-syncronizing type names of the framework and the gases to avoid consolidation of types that PySIMM system does for gi, g in enumerate(gases): for pt in g.particle_types: += '_g' + str(gi + 1) while l < n_iter + 1: # >>> MC (CASSANDRA) step: mcp['Run_Name'] = str(l) + '.gcmc' css.add_gcmc(species=gases, is_new=True, chem_pot=CHEM_POT, is_rigid=mcp.get('rigid_type') or [False] * len(gases), out_folder=sim_folder, props_file=str(l) + '.gcmc_props.inp', **mcp) # >>> MD (LAMMPS) step: sim_sst = css.system.copy() sim_sst.write_lammps(os.path.join(sim_folder, str(l) + '.before_md.lmps')) sim = lmps.Simulation(sim_sst, print_to_screen=mcp.get('print_to_screen', False), log=os.path.join(sim_folder, str(l) + '.md.log')) sim.add(lmps.Init(cutoff=mdp.get('cutoff'), special_bonds=mdp.get('special_bonds'), pair_modify=mdp.get('pair_modify'))) # custom definitions for the neighbour list updates sim.add_custom('neighbor 1.0 nsq \nneigh_modify once no every 1 delay 0 check yes') # adding group definitions to separate rigid and non-rigid bodies sim.add(lmps.Group('matrix', 'id', css.run_queue[0].group_by_id('matrix')[0])) sim.add(lmps.Group(nonrig_group_name, 'id', css.run_queue[0].group_by_id('nonrigid')[0])) rigid_mols = css.run_queue[0].group_by_id('rigid')[0] if rigid_mols: sim.add(lmps.Group(rig_group_name, 'id', rigid_mols)) # adding "run 0" line before velocities rescale for correct temperature init of the system with rigid molecules sim.add(lmps.Velocity(style='create')) if rigid_mols: sim.add_custom('run 0') sim.add(lmps.Velocity(style='scale')) # create the description of the molecular dynamics simulation sim.add_md(lmps.MolecularDynamics(name='main_fix', group=nonrig_group_name if rigid_mols else 'all', ensemble='npt', timestep=mdp.get('timestep'), temperature=mdp.get('temp'), pressure=mdp.get('pressure'), run=False, extra_keywords={'dilate': 'all'} if rigid_mols else {})) # create the second NVT fix for rigid molecules that cannot be put in NPT fix if rigid_mols: sim.add(lmps.MolecularDynamics(name='rig_fix', ensemble='rigid/nvt/small molecule', timestep=mdp.get('timestep'), length=mdp.get('length'), group=rig_group_name, temperature=mdp.get('temp'), pressure=mdp.get('pressure'), run=False)) # add the "spring tether" fix to the geometrical center of the system to avoid system creep sim.add_custom('fix tether_fix matrix spring tether 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0') sim.add(lmps.OutputSettings(thermo=mdp.get('thermo'), dump={'filename': os.path.join(sim_folder, str(l) + '.md.dump'), 'freq': int(mdp.get('dump'))})) sim.add_custom('run {:}\n'.format(mdp.get('length'))) # The input for correct simulations is set, starting LAMMPS:'np', 1)) # Updating the size of the fixed system from the MD simulations and saving the coordinates for the next MC # css.system.dim = sim.system.dim css.system = sim.system.copy() css.unwrap_gas() css.system.write_xyz(xyz_fname.format(l)) mcp['Start_Type']['file_name'] = xyz_fname.format(l) mcp['Start_Type']['species'] = [1] + css.run_queue[-1].mc_sst.made_ins l += 1 return sim.system if sim else None